4.5.4. Apply Certificates

All clients in a SIMP system must have Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) keypairs generated for the server. These keys reside in the /var/simp/environments/simp/site_files/pki_files/files/keydist directory on the SIMP server and are served to the clients over the puppet protocol.


These keypairs are not the keys that the Puppet server uses for its operation. Do not get the two confused.

See Certificate Management for more information.

This section provides guidance on installing official certificates or, as an interim measure, generating certificates from the Fake (self-signing) Certificate Authority provided by SIMP. Installing Official Certificates

Below are the steps to install official certificates for a SIMP client on the SIMP server:

  1. Copy the certificates received from a proper CA to the SIMP server.
  2. Add the keys for the node to /var/simp/environments/simp/site_files/pki_files/files/keydist.
  1. Type mkdir -p /var/simp/environments/simp/site_files/pki_files/files/keydist/***<Client System FQDN>***

  2. Type

    mv ***<Certificate Directory>***/***<FQDN>***.[pem|pub] \
  3. Type chown -R root.puppet /var/simp/environments/simp/site_files/pki_files/files/keydist

  4. Type chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o-rwx /var/simp/environments/simp/site_files/pki_files/files/keydist

  1. Create and populate the /var/simp/environments/simp/site_files/pki_files/files/keydist/cacerts directory.
  1. Type cd /var/simp/environments/simp/site_files/pki_files/files/keydist
  2. Type mkdir cacerts and copy the root CA public certificates into cacerts in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format (one per file).
  3. Type cd cacerts
  4. Type for file in *.pem; do ln -s $file `openssl x509 -in $file -hash -noout`.0; done Generating Certificates from the Fake CA

If server certificates have not or could not be obtained at the time of client installation, SIMP provides a way to create them for the system, so that it will work until proper certificates are provided.


This option should not be used for any operational system that can use proper enterprise PKI certificates.

Below are the steps to generate the certificates using the SIMP-provided, Fake CA.

  1. Type cd /var/simp/environments/simp/FakeCA
  2. Type vi togen
  3. Remove old entries from the file and add the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the systems (one per line) for which certificates will be created.


To use alternate DNS names for the same system, separate the names with commas and without spaces.

For example, .name,alt.name1,alt.name2.

  1. Type wc cacertkey


Ensure that the cacertkey file is not empty. If it is, enter text into the file; then save and close the file.

  1. Type ./gencerts_nopass.sh auto


To avoid using the default Fake CA values, remove the auto statement from the ./gencerts_nopass.sh command.


If the clean.sh command is run after the certificates have been generated, you will not be able to generate new host certificates under the old CA. To troubleshoot certificate problems, see the Troubleshooting Certificate Issues section.

If issues arise while generating keys, type cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/simp/FakeCA to navigate to the /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/simp/FakeCA directory, then type ./clean.sh to start over.

After running the clean.sh script, type ./gencerts_nopass.sh to run the script again using the previous procedure table.