Redundant LDAP

This section describes how to set up redundant OpenLDAP servers in SIMP.

The version of OpenLDAP in RHEL5 only supports syncrepl. Multi-master replication has been added in a more recent version of OpenLDAP but is not currently supported in SIMP. Syncrepl is optimal for Wide Area Network (WAN) situations and is the SIMP default.

Set up the Master

If the standard puppet_servers.pp file in SIMP is being used, the user has a working master server. If not, the following example demonstrates how to use the SIMP openldap module to create a server using the puppet_servers.pp file .

Source Code for Using an OpenLDAP Server openldap

# These are some common variables.
# See /etc/puppet/manifests/vars.pp for the stock version.

$ldap_master = 'ldap://ldapmaster.your.domain'

class ldap_common {
  include 'openldap::slapd_pki'

  openldap::slapd::conf { 'default':
    suffix => 'dc=your,dc=domain',
    rootdn => 'dn=LDAPAdmin,ou=People,dc=your,dc=domain',
    rootpw => '{SSHA}$klskf$asoghaagasgasgaggawawg',
    tlsCertificateFile => "/etc/pki/public/${fqdn}.pub",
    tlsCertificateKeyFile => "/etc/pki/private/${fqdn}.pem",
    client_nets => [ '' ]

class ldap_master inherits ldap_common {
  include 'openldap::slapo::syncprov'

  openldap::slapo::syncprov::conf { "default": }

node ldapmaster {
  include 'ldap_master'

Set up the Replicated Servers

Once the master is ready, LDAP slave nodes must be configured to replicate data from the master. The example below shows an the code that should be added to the slave node in Puppet. The actual order of which gets done first is irrelevant; the replicated servers will attempt to contact the master until they are successful.

Source Code to Configure an LDAP Slave Node replication

class ldap_repl inherits ldap_common {
  include 'openldap::slapd::syncrepl'

  openldap::slapd::syncrepl::conf { "111":
    provider => $ldap_master,
    syncrepl_retry => '60 10 600 +',
    searchbase => 'dc=your,dc=domain',
    starttls => 'critical',
    bindmethod => 'simple',
    binddn => 'cn=LDAPSync,ou=People,dc=your,dc=domain',
    credentials => '<plain text password>',
    updateref => $ldap_master

node ldaprepl1 {
  include "ldap_repl"

node ldaprepl2 {
  include "ldap_repl"

Promote a Slave Node

Slave nodes can be promoted to act as the LDAP master node. To do this, change the node classifications of the relevant hosts. The following example shows the promotion of the ldaprepl1 server to the master server.

Source Promoting a Slave Node LDAP

# Change the common ldap server variable to promote the slave node.

$ldap_master = 'ldap://ldaprepl1.your.domain'

node ldapmaster {
  # include 'ldap_master'

node ldaprepl1 {
  # include 'ldap_repl'
  include 'ldap_master'

After the next Puppet run on all hosts, ldaprepl1 will be promoted to the master and all slave nodes will point to it.


If the system is not replicating, it is possible that another user has updated the $ldap_sync_passwd and $ldap_sync_hash entries in the /etc/puppet/manifests/vars.pp file without also updating the value in LDAP itself; this is the most common issue reported by users.

Currently, SIMP cannot self-modify the LDAP database directly; therefore, the LDAP Administrator needs to perform this action. Refer to the User Management chapter for more information on manipulating entries in OpenLDAP.

The example below shows the changes necessary to update the $ldap_sync information in LDAP.

Update $ldap_sync Information in LDAP Examples

dn: cn=LDAPSync,ou=People,dc=your,dc=domain
changetype: modify
replace: userPassword
userPassword: <Hash from $ldap_sync_hash>

Master Node Demotion

In the event that multiple master nodes have been set up, it may be necessary to demote one or more of them to slave instances. To do this, add the replication code shown in the previous section titled Set up the Replicated Servers to the manifest of the master node being demoted.

Once this is complete, manually remove the active database from the LDAP server being demoted and then run Puppet. The SIMP team is working to enable SIMP to handle this transition automatically in the future.