Changing Puppet Masters

It may be necessary to change the Puppet Master. To point a particular client to a new Puppet Master, follow the steps in the sections below.

On the Client

Enter the following changes into the /etc/puppet/puppet.conf file.

Code Changes on Client to Switch Puppet Masters

server = new.puppet.master.fqdn
ca_server = new.puppet.master.fqdn
ca_port = 8141

To remove all files and sub-directories in the /var/lib/puppet/ssl directory, type cd /var/lib/puppet/ssl. Then type rm -rf ./*.

Assuming the new Puppet Master has been set up to properly accept the client, type puppet agent --test to run a full Puppet run while pointing to the new server.

If all goes well, the client will now be synchronized with the new Puppet Master. If not, refer to the SIMP Server Installation section of the SIMP Install Guide and ensure that the new Puppet Master was set up properly.

On the Old Puppet Master

Remove or comment out all items for the client node in the /etc/puppet/hieradata/hosts space.

To run puppet agent in noop mode to ensure that there are no inadvertent errors, type puppet agent --test --noop.