10.1. Stack Clash

10.1.1. Official Information

10.1.2. Supplementary Guidance

In accordance with the Qualys Blog Post, we attempted to determine if there was some method of partially mitigating the attack without needing to reboot a given system.

Unfortunately, as noted in the post, our results were found to be very dangerous for production systems so we have added the appropriate information here in case, for some reason, you cannot reboot your systems.

The information tested below was tested to allow a graphical desktop to run and will need to be set much lower to mitigate against a large number of attacks. But, it may be better than nothing.


Setting stack and address limits in PAM affects ALL processes on the system. It is very important that you do not limit space needed by critical applications.


Setting PAM limits will NOT guarantee immunity from Stack Clash exploits, but will reduce the chance of large-footprint attacks. It is highly recommended you upgrade your kernel or obtain a vendor patch to protect your machines from attack. Setting limits in PAM is a last ditch effort when upgrading is not feasible.

Before applying limits to your system, estimate the amount of stack and address space used by critical applications. We have created a space estimation script to assist with limit calculation.

We have run the script on a SIMP system with many of the component modules installed, and have created the following class with defaults based off of the results. You may find you need to adjust limits or supplement the class with additional limits.

# Mitigate susceptibility to the 'stack clash' exploit by limiting
# the stack size and address size for local and remote users.
# These limitations do NOT guarantee immunity from the exploit, but
# reduce the chance of large-footprint attacks.
# NOTE: Before applying this to your system, you should estimate
# the amount of stack and address space used by authorized
# applications.  You may find you need to adjust limits or augment
# this list to best suit your system.
# A tool for calculating the largest consumers of stack and address
# space can be found here:
#   https://gist.github.com/trevor-vaughan/8f28ac8d908b3379fa9cee97b910ac54
# @param ignore_list
#   Any parameter in this list will be given unlimited stack and
#   address space.
#   Default: Ignore root, dbus, gdm. Root and dbus serve critical
#   roles and are unlimited for obvious reasons. GDM is a stack
#   heavy application that must be unlimited, or users run the
#   risk of loosing GUI access to their system.
# @param stack_limit
#   The max stack size, in KB, that applications not in the
#   ignore_list will be limited to.
# @param address_limit
#   The max address size, in KB, that applications not in the
#   ignore_list will be limited to.
# @author SIMP Team
class simp::pam_limits::stack_clash(
  Array[String] $ignore_list   = ['root','dbus','gdm'],
  Integer       $stack_limit   = 262144,
  Integer       $address_limit = 4194304

  pam::limits::rule { 'ignore_stack':
    domains => $ignore_list,
    type    => '-',
    item    => 'stack',
    value   => 'unlimited',
    order   =>   1

  pam::limits::rule { 'ignore_as':
    domains => $ignore_list,
    type    => '-',
    item    => 'as',
    value   => 'unlimited',
    order   =>   1

  pam::limits::rule { 'limit_stack':
    domains => ['*'],
    type    => '-',
    item    => 'stack',
    value   => $stack_limit,
    order   =>  999

  pam::limits::rule { 'limit_as':
    domains => ['*'],
    type    => '-',
    item    => 'as',
    value   => $address_limit,
    order   =>  999
