Build Signed RPM and Deploy to Download Server Build Signed RPM and Deploy to SIMP Download Server If a New RPM Needs to be Built

  1. Build the RPM for the component that you wish to publish

git clone simp-core
git checkout master # or an appropriate branch
bundle update
bundle exec rake pkg:single[MODULE_NAME or PATH]


If, for some reason, the above does not work, you can go into the target component and run rake pkg:rpm

The output will be in the dist directory of the targeted artifact

  1. Pass the RPM over to an authorized signing team member who will sign it using rpm --resign Push to SIMP Download Server

Currently the authorized signing team member that signs the RPM will use scp to push the file to the proper folder on the SIMP Download Server. The file will then be accessible by following the appropriate path at https://download.simp-project.com.