5.4.9. HOWTO Use unpack_dvd to Extract the Full OS RPM Package Set

The SIMP ISO provides a minimal set of packages.

If you require additional OS packages, you can extract them from vendor ISOs using unpack_dvd. Additionally you can extract the PXE files from the ISO to the rsync directories. Extract the OS Packages

Unpack_dvd will, by default

  • extract OS metadata from the ISO
  • create a directory named <os-family>/<os-version> under /var/www/yum, the directory used for the yum server in simp/simp.
  • extract the files on the ISO that directory.
  • create a link /var/www/yum/<os-family>/<os-major-version> to above directory.
  • create Updates directory if it does not exist
  • create a link for all RPMs extracted from the ISO under the Updates directory.
  • run createrepo in the Updates directory.
  • If run as root, change permissions recursively on Updates and any directory with RPMs to be owned and readable by group apache

Use unpack_dvd --help to see all options available.


If unpack_dvd can only determine the OS major version from the ISO metadata it will fail and ask you to supply a more detail version number using the -v option.

The following example will extract to the default location:

  1. Log on and run sudo su - root.

  2. Copy the appropriate vendor OS ISO(s) to the server.

  3. If the server where you are unpacking the vendor ISO was NOT built using the SIMP ISO , you must create /var/www/yum.

  4. unpack using unpack_dvd

    # unpack_dvd -v <os version> <full path to iso>
    unpack_dvd -v 7.8.2003 /myisodir/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2003.iso
  5. Ensure that subsequent yum operations are aware of the new RPM packages by refreshing the system’s yum cache:

    yum clean all && yum makecache


At this time unpack_dvd does not work entirely with EL8 ISOs. EL8 introduced modules to repositories and unpack_dvd can not handle these. It will extract some but not all of RPMs on an EL8 ISO. The files extracted are enough to kickstart a basic EL8 system but some of the application stream files are not extracted and added to the repository correctly. Extract PXE files

Extracting the PXE files was added to unpack_dvd in simp-utils-6.4.0. Use the -X option to tell unpack_dvd to extract the PXE files and the --no-unpack-yum option if you do not want to extract the yum files.

When PXE file extraction is enabled with the -X option, unpack_dvd will, by default,

  • extract OS version information from the ISO metadata
  • create a directory for the PXE files in the rsync directory used by simp/tftpboot in the production environment. * named <os-family>-<version>-<arch> * The default rsync directory is /var/simp/environments/production/rsync/<os-family>/Global/tftpboot/linux-install/.
  • extract the files to the created OS directory.
  • create a link <os-family>-<major-version>-<arch> to the above directory.
  • if run as root, change the permisions recursivley on created directoy and its contents to those of the rsync directory.

Use unpack_dvd --help for options to change some of the defaults.

The following example will extract only the PXE files to the rsync directory:

# Place the -X options after the ISO name.
sudo su - root
# copy the iso to the system
unpack_dvd -v 8.0.1905 --no-unpack-yum /myisodir/CentOS--x86_64-1905-dvd1.iso -X

The following example will extract both the RPMs and PXE files to alternate directories:

sudo su - root
# Make the directories.  Set the permissions as needed.
mkdir -p /my/repodir
mkdir -p /my/tftpboot
# The PXE directory must follow the -X option.
# The -d options changes the directory to extract OS files
unpack_dvd -v 8.0.1905 -d /my/repodir /myisodir/CentOS--x86_64-1905-dvd1.iso -X /my/tftpboot
yum clean all && yum makecache