2.1. SIMP Community Edition (CE) 6.5.0-RC1

2.1.1. OS compatibility

This release is known to work with: Important OS compatibility limitations

OS compatibility is subject to the following limitations: EL8 support is CLIENT ONLY

This release introduces client-only EL8 support in the core Puppet modules.

  • EL8 support is limited to managing EL8 Puppet agents with the core Puppet modules.
  • All Puppet modules provided as core dependencies of the simp RPM support EL8.

This release does NOT support EL8 for:

  • Managing an EL8 SIMP Server
  • Installing SIMP from an EL8 ISO.
  • Using the unpack_dvd script on modular yum repositories found on EL8 OS ISOs

Additional limitations with EL8

  • Not all modules provided by the simp-extras RPM have been updated for EL8.
  • EL8 updates to the remaining simp-extras modules will be phased in over future SIMP releases.
  • Support for managing an EL8 SIMP/Puppet server and installing from EL8 ISOs will be provided in a later SIMP release (SIMP 6.6.0).
  • In SIMP 6.5.0, there are known issues with PXE kickstarting and unpacking ISOs as yum mirrors for EL8 clients. These issues particularly affect network-isolated environments. Support for managing EL6 is drawing down

  • EL6 maintenance support is EOL for both RHEL 6 and CentOS 6, and upstream vendor support will end on 30 November 2020.
  • New Puppet modules may not support EL6.
  • Some optional Puppet modules (provided by the simp-extras RPM) no longer support EL6. In particular, this affects simp/autofs, simp/nfs, and simp/simp_nfs. If you need those capabilities on EL6, use earlier versions of these modules in EL6-specific Puppet environments.

2.1.2. Breaking Changes IPTables Rule Refinement


IPTables does NOT have breaking changes out of the box.

A new parameter, iptables::precise_match was added that performs higher precision matching on iptables rules to detect the need to restart iptables.

It is highly recommended that you set iptables::precise_match: true in Hiera so that minor changes, such as subnet updates or single port changes, will appropriately restart iptables.

If you enable precision matching, do so with care since you may find that iptables rule updates are propagated that you thought had previously been applied.

It is highly recommended that you migrate to firewalld if at all possible. See the relevant section below for more details. Deprecated Puppet 3 API Functions Removed

All SIMP-provided Puppet 3 API functions (originally deprecated in SIMP 6.4.0) have now been removed in order to fully support Puppet 6. The affected functions and their replacements (when available) are listed in sub-sections below. Puppet 3 Functions Removed from simp/compliance_markup

Puppet 3 API Function Replacement Replacement Source
compliance_map compliance_markup::compliance_map simp/compliance_markup >= 3.0.0 Puppet 3 Functions Removed from simp/simp_apache

Puppet 3 API Function Replacement Replacement Source
apache_auth simp_apache::auth simp/simp_apache >= 6.0.1
apache_limits simp_apache::limits simp/simp_apache >= 6.0.1
munge_httpd_networks simp_apache::munge_httpd_networks simp/simp_apache >= 6.0.1 Puppet 3 Functions Removed from simp/simplib


Most (but not all) of the Puppet 3 API functions in the table below have replacements. If any function that has been removed without a replacement is essential to you, let us know by submitting a feature request at https://simp-project.atlassian.net.

Puppet 3 API Function Replacement Replacement Source
array_include Puppet language in operator or Puppet built-in functions any or all Puppet >= 5.2.0
array_size Puppet built-in function length Puppet >= 5.5.0
array_union Puppet language + (concatenation) operator, combined with Puppet built-in function unique Puppet >= 5.0.0
bracketize simplib::bracketize simp/simplib >= 3.15.0
generate_reboot_msg None N/A
get_ports None N/A
h2n None N/A
host_is_me simplib::host_is_me simp/simplib >= 3.15.0
inspect simplib::inspect simp/simplib >= 3.3.0
ipaddresses simplib::ipaddresses simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
ip_is_me simplib::host_is_me (checks hostnames and IP addresses) simp/simplib >= 3.15.0
ip_to_cron simplib::ip_to_cron simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
join_mount_opts simplib::join_mount_opts simp/simplib >= 3.8.0
localuser None N/A
mapval None N/A
nets2cidr simplib::nets2cidr simp/simplib >= 3.7.0
nets2ddq simplib::nets2ddq simp/simplib >= 3.8.0
parse_hosts simplib::parse_hosts simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
passgen simplib::passgen simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
rand_cron simplib::rand_cron simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
simp_version simplib::simp_version simp/simplib >= 3.15.0
simplib_deprecation simplib::deprecation simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
slice_array Puppet built-in slice Puppet >= 4.0.0
strip_ports simplib::strip_ports simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
to_integer Puppet built-in Integer or simplib::to_integer Integer: Puppet >= 4.0.0; simplib::to_integer: simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
to_string Puppet built-in String or simplib::to_string String: Puppet >= 4.0.0; simplib::to_string: simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
validate_array_member simplib::validate_array_member simp/simplib >= 3.8.0
validate_array_of_hashes Use a custom Puppet data type such as Array[Hash] Puppet >= 4.0.0
validate_between Puppet data types Integer or Float or simplib::validate_between simp/simplib >= 3.8.0
validate_bool_simp Use Puppet Boolean data type or simplib::validate_bool Puppet: >= 4.0.0; simp/simplib >= 3.8.0
validate_deep_hash simplib::validate_deep_hash simp/simplib >= 3.8.0
validate_float Use Puppet Float data type or a check using is_float from puppetlabs/stdlib Puppet: >= 4.0.0; is_float: puppetlabs/stdlib >= 2.2.0
validate_macaddress Use Simplib::Macaddress data type simp/simplib >= 3.7.0
validate_net_list Use Simplib::Netlist data type or simplib::validate_net_list simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
validate_port Use Simplib::Port data type or simplib::validate_net_list simp/simplib >= 3.5.0
validate_re_array simplib::validate_re_array simp/simplib >= 3.7.0
validate_sysctl_value simplib::validate_sysctl_value simp/simplib >= 3.7.0
validate_umask Use Simplib::Umask data type simp/simplib >= 3.7.0
validate_uri_list simplib::validate_sysctl_value simp/simplib >= 3.7.0 Puppet 3 Functions Removed from simp/ssh

Puppet 3 API Function Replacement Replacement Source
ssh_autokey ssh::autokey simp/ssh >= 6.2.0
ssh_global_known_hosts ssh::global_known_hosts simp/ssh >= 6.2.0 Primary API Changed in Optional Modules

The following SIMP modules from the simp-extras RPM have had breaking API changes:

The specific changes made are described in detail in the New Features section. EL6 Support Dropped from Some (Optional) Puppet Modules

The following optional SIMP modules have dropped support for EL6:

If you need EL6 for a client node, place it in an environment with older versions of the appropriate modules.

2.1.3. Significant Updates EL8 SIMP Client Node Support

This release provides support for managing software on EL8 agents.

This includes all (appropriate) Puppet modules provided by the simp RPM, and a subset of the Puppet modules provided by the simp-extras RPM. Full Puppet 6 Support and Puppet 6 Default Components

All SIMP Puppet modules now work with both Puppet 5 and Puppet 6, and the SIMP-6.5.0 ISOs deliver Puppet 6 application RPMs. firewalld Support

As of SIMP 6.5.0, firewalld support is available within the SIMP and is the default for all new installations on platforms that support it.

  • New simp/simp_firewalld module: SIMP now includes simp/simp_firewalld which provides a profile class and defined type to manage the system’s firewalld with “safe” defaults and safety checks for firewalld rules.
  • firewalld support in simp/iptables for backward compatibility: The simp/iptables module has preliminary support for acting as a pass-through to various firewalld capabilities using the simp/simp_firewalld module.
    • To enable ‘firewalld’ mode on supported operating systems, simply set iptables::use_firewalld to true via Hiera.
    • EL8 systems enable ‘firewalld’ mode by default.
    • Use of any of the iptables::listen::* defined types will work seamlessly in ‘firewalld’ mode, as long as IP addresses are used in their trusted_net parameters.
    • Direct calls to iptables::rule in ‘firewalld’ mode will emit a warning notification that directs the user to convert their rules to simp_iptables::rule types.


Be aware that firewalld rules do not support hostnames; IP addresses must be used. This may impact any manifests that contain iptables::listen resources, including resources from some SIMP modules. You will have to change any hostnames to IP addresses for the affected resources when using firewalld.

The table below is a list of the SIMP resource parameters impacted by the lack of hostname support by firewalld.

  • Many of these parameters default to simp_options:trusted_nets, when it is available.
  • Each network element can be specified as a network (CIDR notation), an IP address, 'ALL' or 'any'.
  • ‘or’ in the table below indicates the default value that will be used if the previous value is not defined.
Parameter Default Value
freeradius::v3::conf::trusted_nets simp_options::trusted_nets or ['','::1']
or ['','::1']
or simp_options::trusted_nets or ['']
or ['']
nfs::client::mount::nfs_server N/A
or ['']
or ['','::1']
or ['']
or ['','::1']
or ['']
or ['']
or ['']
or ['','::1']
simp_apache::conf::allowroot ['','::1']
simp_nfs::home_dir_server N/A
simp_nfs::mount::home::nfs_server N/A
or ['']
ssh::server::conf::trusted_nets ['ALL']
or ['']
or ['']
or ['','::1']
or [''] Optional Dependency Handling

In SIMP 6.5.0, optional dependency handling has been integrated into ~20 additional SIMP Puppet modules. These modules explicitly identify optional, dependent modules, all while providing safeguards to ensure the user is notified of any such missing dependencies at compilation time. This feature allows the user to minimize installation of unused modules in an environment, when the user is not using SIMP to manage specific capabilities.

Key details about this feature are as follows:

  • Optional module dependencies are indicated in the metadata.json file using an ‘optional_dependencies’ key within a ‘simp’ key. For example, simp/rsyslog’s metadata.json.
  • The user has complete control over installation of the optional dependency modules. These dependencies will not be installed automatically when the module using them is installed via puppet module install.
  • Modules that use this feature will fail manifest compilation, if the user enables the optional capabilities, but the optional dependencies required to implement that capability are not installed in the environment. Dependent Module Updates

SIMP updated as many dependent modules as possible. This included major version bumps for several of the dependent modules. These changes did not have a significant impact on the SIMP infrastructure. The dependency version bumps did, however, require some of the SIMP modules to update their respective metadata.json files. These metadata changes, in turn, required SIMP module version updates.

2.1.4. Security Announcements

SIMP 6.5.0 Added mitigations for the following CVEs:

2.1.5. RPM Updates Puppet RPMs

The following Puppet RPMs are packaged with the SIMP 6.5.0 ISOs:

Package Version
puppet-agent 6.18.0-1
puppet-bolt 2.29.0-1
puppetdb 6.12.0-1
puppetdb-termini 6.12.0-1
puppetserver 6.13.0-1


You do NOT need to update your version of Puppet from 5.X to use the modules supplied with this version of SIMP.

If you decide to update from 5.X, back up your server and test the upgrade carefully.

2.1.6. Removed Puppet Modules Unused Augeasproviders Modules

The following packages for unused Augeasproviders Puppet modules and one dependency were removed from the SIMP ISOs:

  • pupmod-herculesteam-augeasproviders_apache
  • pupmod-herculesteam-augeasproviders_mounttab
  • pupmod-herculesteam-augeasproviders_nagios
  • pupmod-herculesteam-augeasproviders_pam
  • pupmod-herculesteam-augeasproviders_postgresql
  • pupmod-herculesteam-augeasproviders_puppet
  • pupmod-herculesteam-augeasproviders_shellvar
  • pupmod-puppetlabs-mount_providers Docker Modules

The packages for the following Docker Puppet modules have been permanently removed from the SIMP ISOs, because SIMP is moving towards podman support over docker.

  • pupmod-puppetlabs-docker
  • pupmod-simp-simp_docker pupmod-simp-journald

The pupmod-simp-journald package has been removed from SIMP ISOs, because the functionality the simp/journald module provided is now provided by the camptocamp/systemd module. If you used simp/journald, you will need to update your manifests to use camptocamp/systemd.

2.1.7. Fixed Bugs pupmod-simp-aide

  • Fixed a bug in Compliance Engine data. pupmod-simp-auditd

  • Fixed a bug in which the module could not enable auditing on a system with auditing already disabled in the kernel, when replication of the audit logs to syslog was required.
  • Fixed a bug in which the auditd service was managed when the kernel was not enforcing auditing.
  • Fixed a bug in which the facts were not properly confined.
  • Fixed a bug in which /etc/audit/audit.rules.prev caused unnecessary flapping.
  • Fixed regex substitution for bad path characters.
  • Added missing herculesteam/augeasproviders_grub module dependency. pupmod-simp-dconf

  • Fixed a bug in ensure = absent in dconf::settings. pupmod-simp-compliance_markup

  • Fixed merging bugs introduced in interim versions of the module.
  • Fixed a regression introduced in interim versions of the module in which compliance reports were missing ‘controls’, ‘identifiers’, and ‘oval-ids’. pupmod-simp-freeradius

  • Fixed missing ‘group_filter’ option in LDAP. pupmod-simp-iptables

  • Fixed a bug in which the iptables services and rules were not managed when iptables::use_firewalld was set to true on an EL6 system.
  • Fixed an ordering issue with setting xt_recent parameters that could occur on OEL7 nodes. However, there are other issues with xt_recent on OEL that may prevent this module from working on OEL in some circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug in which the module did not check for firewalld availability when iptables::use_firewalld was set to true.
    • The module now ensures that systems that do not have firewalld do not attempt to configure it.
  • Fixed bugs in iptables rule address normalization:
    • Ensured that all addresses are normalized when rules are processed.
    • Removed nested looped rule normalization of addresses since it is no longer required.
    • Fixed normalize_addresses() so that it simply grabs the netmask if present and slaps on the appropriate one if not.
  • Fixed some bugs in the munge() portions of the native types. pupmod-simp-libvirt

  • Fixed issues with module data. pupmod-simp-logrotate

  • Fixed a bug in which the ‘size’ parameter in the global logrotate configuration file was specified more than once. pupmod-simp-network

  • Fix a bug where both the legacy network and NetworkManager were activated in all cases. pupmod-simp-nfs

  • Fixed a bug in which IPv6 ‘::1’ network entries were not being created in /etc/exports. This could cause connections over stunnel to fail under certain conditions.
  • rpc.rquotad service configuration was erroneously written to /etc/sysconfig/nfs for EL7. It is now written to the correct file, /etc/sysconfig/rpc-rquotad.
  • Fixed idmapd-related bugs:
    • idmapd was erroneously only enabled when NFSv3 was allowed. idmapd is an NFSv4 service.
    • The idmapd client was not configured to use nfsidmap. An nfsidmap entry has now been added to /etc/request-key.conf.
  • Fixed bugs in which bidirectional communication for NFSv3 was not properly configured.
    • NFSv3 lockd ports on the NFS client were not explicitly configured and thus not allowed through the firewall. This would have affected file locking using NLM.
    • rpcbind, statd, and lockd service names were not allowed by TCP Wrappers for the NFS client. This would have affected server to client NFSv3 NSM and NLM protocol messages over TCP.
  • Fixed bugs in mount options
    • Previously used the deprecated ‘nfs4’ fstype. This has been replaced with the ‘nfs’ fstype and use of the ‘nfsvers’ option to specify the version of NFS to use.
    • The mount option ‘proto’ is now set to ‘tcp’ when stunnel is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug with a duplicate exec resource in nfs::client::mount when stunnel was enabled.
  • Fixed erroneous server-only/client-only configuration that appeared to be able to be set independently for the NFS client and NFS server on the same node, but because of shared services, actually applied to the node as a whole.
    • Removed nfs::client::firewall and nfs::server::firewall. Use nfs::firewall instead.
    • Removed nfs::server::tcpwrappers. Use nfs::tcpwrappers instead.
    • Removed nfs::server::nfsv3, nfs::server::lockd_arg, nfs::server::statdarg, nfs::server::statd_ha_callout, nfs::server::rpcgssdargs, and nfs::server::rpcsvcgssdargs. Use appropriate parameters in the nfs class instead. pupmod-simp-pam

  • Fixed a bug in which a local user password could not be set.
    • Moved the ‘pam_unix.so’ check before the ‘pam_sss.so’ check in the password section of the auth files otherwise it returns an authentication token manipulation error and local passwords cannot be changed. pupmod-simp-polkit

  • Fixed issue with basic_policy template that resulted in malformed rules. pupmod-simp-pupmod

  • Fixed a bug in which the module could not determine the appropriate Puppet configuration for Puppet >= 6.19.0 from the internal Puppet.settings method, because the ‘master’ section was renamed to ‘server’.
  • Fixed a bug on EL6 nodes in which setting pupmod::master::generate_types to false caused the catalog compilation to fail.
  • Fixed a bug in puppetserver configuration in which the ‘profiler-output-file’ parameter was incorrectly specified as ‘profiling-output-file’.
  • Fixed a bug in managing group ownership of puppet.conf when using Puppet Enterprise.
    • Ensured that pupmod::pass_two does not conflict with the internal PE configuration code for group ownership of puppet.conf. pupmod-simp-rsyslog

  • Fixed the default security collection string for firewalld rules.
  • Fixed a bug where the ‘IncludeConfig’ directive for /etc/rsyslog.d allowed more than just .conf files to be parsed. pupmod-simp-selinux

  • Fixed a bug in which the module would attempt to create selinux_login resources when selinux::login_resources was set but selinux was disabled. This resulted in an error message Could not find a suitable provider for selinux_login during catalog compilation. pupmod-simp-simp

  • Ensure that the sudoers rule for removing the Puppet SSL directory is not created when running from Bolt, since the directory target is changed at each Bolt run and will result in non-idempotency.
  • Fixed a bug in which the ‘gpgkey’ and ‘baseurl’ configuration strings were required for the local YUM repositories managed by simp::yum::repo::local_os_updates and simp::yum::repo::local_simp.
    • Both are optional in the yumrepo type if they already exist on disk.
  • Removed the broken tasks/ directory. pupmod-simp-simplib

  • Fixed the simplib::puppet::metadata::os_support data type to allow operatingsystemrelease to be optionally defined.
  • Added Amazon Linux support
  • Fixed the use of simplib::debug::inspect when using Bolt.
  • Fixed bugs in the grub_version and init_systems facts.
  • Fixed the simplib__auditd fact so that it detects the state of the running auditd process.
  • Fixed Simplib::Systemd::ServiceName to accept instance services.
  • Fixed an issue in the simplib__sshd_config fact that would cause the daemon to start on an EL6 system that did not already have it running.
  • Fixed a bug in which simplib__firewalls fact was not properly confined and would trigger on Windows+ systems.
  • Fixed an issue in simplib::ip::family_hash where the ‘unknown’ entries were not properly populated.
  • Fixed bug in which simplib::simp_version did not work on Windows.
  • Fixed uninitialized constant error with the reboot_notify custom type. pupmod-simp-simp_options

  • Fixed PE detection in simp_options::puppet::server_distribution. pupmod-simp-simp_snmpd

  • Fixed a bug in which the PID file option was missing from the default options for the snmpd daemon in EL6. The daemon failed to start without this option.
  • Fixed a bug where the default for client security level was incorrectly set.
    • The default access security level is now by the new parameter simp_snmpd::defvacmlevel instead of simp_snmpd::defsecuritylevel.
    • simp_snmpd::defsecuritylevel sets the default security level for the client.
  • Added a missing dependency on simp/tcpwrappers. pupmod-simp-stunnel

  • Added the stunnel::instance_purge class to remedy the ‘floating services’ issue. pupmod-simp-tftpboot

  • Fixed a bug in which the internal rsync operation did not match the documentation.
  • Fixed a manifest ordering issue. pupmod-simp-tlog

  • Fixed a bug in the tcsh template.
  • Added a workaround to scripts in /etc/profile to handle a bug in tlog that would prevent logins if the system hostname could not be found. pupmod-simp-tpm2

  • Fixed a bug where the tpm2_* commands could return nothing which would trigger an error in further logic. pupmod-simp-xinetd

  • Removed ‘TRAFFIC’ from the default log_on_success list since it may cause information leakage and is not supported by all service types. rubygem-simp-cli

  • Fixed a bug in which simp config did not allow DNS domains that did not include at least one dot character. Domains are now validated per RFC 3696.
  • Fixed a bug where simp config recommended the wrong SSSD domain, when the SIMP server was not the LDAP server. It recommended the ‘Local’ domain, when the appropriate SIMP-created domain with the ‘local’ (EL6) or ‘files’ (EL7) provider is named ‘LOCAL’.
  • Fixed a bug in simp environment new in which the actual failure messages from a failed setfacl --restore execution were not logged.
  • Fixed a bug where simp config --dry-run would prompt the user to apply actions instead of skipping them and then writing the ~/.simp/simp_conf.yaml file.
    • Users would answer ‘no’ to the unexpected apply query and then simp config would only persist the answers to the interim answers file (~/.simp/.simp_conf.yaml).
  • Fixed Puppet Enterprise support for simp config and simp bootstrap.
    • Fixed a fact-loading bug that prevented the PE fact (is_pe) from being available.
    • Hardened PE-detection logic for cases in which the is_pe fact is not yet available during simp config.
    • Added support for SIMP server template Hiera data that is PE-specific.
    • Fixed a bug in which the module paths containing PE modules were not excluded when simp config checked for modules in the ‘production’ Puppet environment. This forced the user to remove the skeleton ‘production’ environment installed by the puppet-agent RPM, in order to get simp config to run on a freshly installed PE system. simp-environment-skeleton

  • When running FakeCA certification-generation scripts in batch mode, do not request input from the user.
  • Fixed a bug in which some non-script files were installed with executable permissions. simp-utils

  • Fixed minor bugs in unpack_dvd.

2.1.8. New Features pupmod-simp-aide

  • Updated the EL8 ciphers to be safe on FIPS systems by default.
  • Removed overrides for aide::aliases on EL8 since it works properly in FIPS mode.
  • Automatically add ‘@@include’ lines to aide.conf. Previously, when declaring aide::rule resources, it was also necessary to add the rule name to the aide::rules array.
  • Moved the default rules to data in modules. pupmod-simp-auditd

  • Allow auditd::space_left and auditd::admin_space_left to accept percentages on supported versions.

  • Added ‘INCREMENTAL_ASYNC’ to possible values for auditd::flush.

  • Added a built_in audit profile to the subsystem that provides ability to include and manage sample rulesets to be compiled into active rules.

  • Ensured that kmod is audited in all STIG modes on EL7+.

  • Allow users to knockout entries from arrays specified in Hiera.

  • Added rules based on best practices mostly pulled from /usr/share/doc/auditd:

    • Audit 32 bit operations on 64 bit systems
    • Audit calls to the auditd CLI commands
    • Audit IPv4 and IPv6 inbound connections
    • Optionally audit IPv4 and IPv6 outbound connections
    • Audit suspicious applications
    • Audit systemd
    • Audit the auditd configuration space
    • Ignore time daemon logs (clutter)
    • Ignore ‘CRYPTO_KEY_USER’ logs (clutter)
    • Add ability to set the ‘backlog_wait_time’
    • Set ‘loginuid_immutable’
  • Set defaults for syslog parameters if auditd version is unknown.

  • Added a fact that determines the major version of auditd that is running on the system, auditd_major_version. This is used in the hiera.yaml hierarchy to add module data specific to the versions.

  • Added support for auditd v3.0 which is used by RedHat 8. Most of the changes in auditd v3.0 were related to how the plugins are handled but there are a few new parameters added to auditd.conf. They are set to their defaults according to man page of auditd.conf.

    • auditd V3.0 moved the handling of plugins into auditd from audispd. The following changes were made to accommodate that:

      • To make sure the parameters used to handle plugins where defined in one place no matter what version of auditd was used, they were moved to init.pp and referenced from there by the audisp manifest. For backwards compatibility, they remain in audisp.conf and are aliased in the Hiera module data.

      • For backwards compatibility auditd::syslog remains defaulting to the value of simp_options::syslog although the two are not really the same thing. You might want to review this setting and set auditd::syslog to a value that is appropriate for your system.

        • To enable auditd logging to syslog, set the following in Hiera

          auditd::syslog: true
          auditd::config::audisp::syslog::enable: true.
          # The drop_audit_logs is still there for backwards compatibility and
          # needs to be disabled.
          auditd::config::audisp::syslog::drop_audit_logs: false
        • To stop auditd logging to syslog set the following in Hiera

          auditd::syslog: true
          auditd::config::plugins::syslog::enable: false.
        • Setting auditd::syslog to false will stop Puppet from managing the syslog.conf, it will not disable auditd logging to syslog. Disable the syslog plugin as described above.

      • The settings for syslog.conf were updated to work for new and old versions of auditd.

      • Added installation of audisp-syslog package when using auditd V3.

  • Added rules to monitor /usr/share/selinux. pupmod-simp-autofs

This module was extensively refactored. Please read the updated README.md to understand the current usage. Notable feature/API changes:

  • Updated autofs service configuration to use /etc/autofs.conf in addition to /etc/sysconfig/autofs.
  • Updated /etc/autofs.master to load content from /etc/auto.master.simp.d/ and /etc/auto.master.d/ in lieu of specifying map entries directly.
    • ‘auto.master’ entries are now written to files in /etc/auto.master.simp.d, a directory fully managed by this module.
    • /etc/auto.master.d is left unmanaged by Puppet.
    • Auto-converts from old maps directory to current maps directory and emits a warning. This is to help the 90% of the users who aren’t doing anything special with this module.
  • Added a autofs::map defined type that allows the user to specify all the parameters for a ‘file’ map in one place. This resource will generate the appropriate resources to create both the ‘auto.master’ entry file and the map file.
  • Added autofs::masterfile defined type to replace deprecated autofs::master::map.
    • autofs::masterfile creates an ‘auto.master’ entry file in autofs::master_conf_dir.
    • Unlike autofs::map::master, autofs::masterfile does not have a content parameter, because a user can simply use a file resource to specify a custom ‘auto.master’ entry file.
  • Added autofs::mapfile defined type to replace deprecated autofs::master::entry.
    • autofs::mapfile creates a mapfile for a direct mapping or one or more indirect mappings.
    • Unlike autofs::master::entry, it does not have duplicate resource naming problems (wildcard or otherwise).
  • autofs class changes
    • Added the following new autofs service configuration parameters:
      • master_wait
      • mount_verbose
      • mount_nfs_default_protocol
      • force_standard_program_map_env
      • use_hostname_for_mounts
      • disable_not_found_message
      • sss_master_map_wait
      • use_mount_request_log_id
      • auth_conf_file
      • custom_autofs_conf_options
    • Added master_conf_dir and master_include_dirs parameters to allow users to specify directories containing ‘auto.master’ entry files.
    • Added maps_dir to specify the location of SIMP-managed maps and changed the directory name from /etc/autofs to /etc/autofs.maps.simp.d for clarity.
    • Added maps to allow users to specify ‘file’ type maps in Hiera data.
      • Each map specifies the contents of a ‘auto.master` entry file and its corresponding mapping file.
    • Renamed options to automount_options for clarity.
    • Renamed use_misc_device to automount_use_misc_device for clarity.
    • Removed autofs::master_map_name.
      • This parameter is not exposed in /etc/autofs.conf and does not look like it is intended to be changed.
    • Changed permissions of /etc/auto.master and /etc/sysconfig/autofs to match those of the delivered RPM.
  • autofs::ldap_auth class changes
    • autofs::ldap_auth is now a private class to ensure the name of the configuration file created by this class matches the ‘auth_conf_file’ setting in /etc/autofs.conf.
    • Added encoded_secret optional parameter. This parameter takes precedence when both secret and encoded_secret parameters are specified.
  • autofs::map::master has been deprecated by autofs::map or autofs::masterfile. Its behavior has changed from writing a section of /etc/auto.master to writing an auto.master entry file in autofs::master_conf_dir.
  • autofs::map::entry has been deprecated by autofs::map or autofs::mapfile. Its behavior has changed from writing a file in /etc/autofs to writing a file in autofs::maps_dir. pupmod-simp-clamav

  • Updated documentation to clarify what simp_options::clamav actually does and to note that clamav was removed from the SIMP’s default class list in SIMP 6.5.
  • Set the default for clamav::set_schedule::enable to lookup clamav::enable, so that the class will remove the ‘clamscan’ cron job if management of ClamAV is disabled.
  • Disable SIMP’s rsync pulls by default. pupmod-simp-compliance_markup

  • Deep merge hash values in the Hiera backend.
  • Improved confinement
    • Added support for confinement in ‘profiles’, ‘controls’ and ‘ces’ (as well as ‘checks’).
    • Added support for arrays of potential matches in confinement blocks.
    • Added support for structured facts in confinement.
    • Updated confinement logic to ensure that all possibilities are collected.
    • Apply confinement before merging values.
  • Improved performance:
    • Reduced the amount of data passed around in the Hiera backend.
    • Ensured that the Hiera backend recurses as little as possible.
    • Removed useless loops in list_puppet_params().
  • Improved error handling and debugging:
    • Ignore undefined ‘ces’ when correlating checks and profiles.
    • Raise errors on malformed data.
    • Added debugging logs to enforcement logic.
  • Removed all support for v1 data since it was experimental and removed in 3.0.0.
  • Load data from the compliance_markup::compliance_map Hiera key after compliance profiles in modules to allow for profile tailoring via Hiera. This means that uses may now override all settings from the underlying compliance maps across all modules to fit their environment specifics. pupmod-simp-cron

  • Manage cron packages by default. pupmod-simp-crypto_policy

This is a new module to manage, and provide information about, the system-wide crypto policies. pupmod-simp-dconf

  • Allow users to set custom settings via Hiera. pupmod-simp-deferred_resources

  • Remove ‘ftp’ and ‘games’ users and groups when enforcing STIG compliance. pupmod-simp-dhcp

  • Made use of SIMP’s rsync operation optional (enabled by default for backwards compatibility).
  • Added support for passing in a full dhcpd.conf entry.
  • Ensured that the SELinux user and type are set for the configuration files.
  • Switched to using iptables::listen::udp for firewalld compatibility. pupmod-simp-fips

  • Ensured that EL8 updates trigger updating the global system crypto policy, since some subsystems now ignore the local configuration by default. pupmod-simp-freeradius

  • Added support for overriding ‘post-auth’ in LDAP.
  • Added support for overriding ‘accounting’ in LDAP.
  • Added support for specifying the entire file content.
  • Removed simp_options::puppet::server from the default lookup logic for freeradius::v3::modules::ldap::server. In systems that use Bolt to compile and apply manifests, that setting will not be available. pupmod-simp-incron

  • Remove pinned versions of incron, since the upstream packages have been fixed. pupmod-simp-iptables

  • Added preliminary support for acting as a pass-through to various firewalld capabilities using the simp/simp_firewalld module.
    • Using any of the iptables::listen::* defined types will work seamlessly in ‘firewalld’ mode but direct calls to iptables::rule will fail.
    • Calls to any of the native types included in this module will result in undefined behavior and is not advised.
    • To enable ‘firewalld’ mode on supported operating systems, simply set iptables::use_firewalld to true via Hiera.
    • EL 8 systems will enable ‘firewalld’ mode by default.
  • Improved the internal rule matching to handle most netmask and port updates.
  • Added a exact_match Boolean to the iptables_optimize and ip6tables_optimize native types to allow for more aggressive rule matching.
    • This change requires that inbound rules match whatever is returned by iptables-save and/or ip6tables-save to prevent iptables flapping.
  • Allow ‘LOCAL-INPUT’ jump rule in ‘FORWARD’ and ‘INPUT’ chains to occur last as a default action through the addition of an iptables::rules::base::force_local_input parameter.
  • Allow users to disable adding the ‘SIMP:’ prefix to the rule comment.
  • Allow users to disable comments on rules completely. pupmod-simp-krb5

  • Updated SELinux hotfix for EL8.
  • Migrated SELinux hotfix to vox_selinux::module. pupmod-simp-libreswan

  • Removed unused libreswan::use_certs_parameter parameter.
  • Added support for IKEv2 Mobility (RFC-4555) and mobile client connections.
  • Added additional settings for DNS and Domains for Libreswan v3.23+. pupmod-simp-libvirt

  • Split out install and service into separate classes to give users more flexibility on what they manage with the module. pupmod-simp-logrotate

  • Allow all log size configuration parameters to be specified in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
  • Added ability to specify ‘maxsize’ configuration for specific logrotate rules. pupmod-simp-named

  • Allow users to force enabling/disabling of the chroot settings.
  • Allow users to easily set the named_write_master_zones SELinux boolean in case they need to support dynamic DNS or zone transfers. pupmod-simp-nfs

This module was extensively refactored. Read the updated README.md to understand the current usage. Notable feature/API changes:

  • Overall changes
    • Dropped stunnel support for NFSv3. This tunneling did not work because:
      • The NFS client sends the NFS server Network Status Manager (NSM) notifications via UDP, exclusively.
      • At multi-NFS-server sites, a unique rpcbind port per server is required in order for a NFS client to be able to tunnel its server-specific RPC requests to the appropriate server.
    • nfs class
      • Reworked parameters to reflect configuration of /etc/nfs.conf and, for limited EL7-only configuration, /etc/sysconfig/nfs. See the class documentation for full details.
    • Removed stunnel_systemd_deps and stunnel_tcp_nodelay parameters throughout the module.
      • These parameters were not consistently used in the manifest code (i.e., declared but not used) and were confusing.
      • The corresponding stunnel_socket_options and stunnel_wantedby parameters in classes/defines now use defaults that were intended to be set by those parameters.
    • Now masks NFS services that are not needed, so they are not unnecessarily started when the nfs-server.service or nfs-client.target are restarted.
  • nfs::client changes
    • Added support for pNFS: Set blkmap to true to enable the pNFS service, nfs-blkmap.service.
    • Added nfs::stunnel_socket_options and stunnel_wantedby parameters which provide the defaults for all nfs::client::mount instances.
  • nfs::client::mount define changes
    • nfs_server must now be specified as an IP address. This change was necessary for firewalld.
    • In options, changed the default mount type to ‘soft’ instead of ‘hard’. Also removed deprecated ‘intr’ option, as it has no effect.
    • Reworked the remote autodetect logic to detect a local mount based on IP address instead of simply whether the node is also configured to be an NFS server.
    • Added support for direct autofs mounts and simplified specification of indirect mounts. When autofs_indirect_map_key is not specified, a direct mount is specified by name. When autofs_indirect_map_key is specified, an indirect mount is specified with name as the mount point and autofs_indirect_map_key as the mount key.
    • Renamed autofs_map_to_user to autofs_add_key_subst to better reflect automount terminology. This parameter simply adds key substitution to the remote location, which although can be used for user home directories, is not restricted to that use case.
    • Renamed port to nfsd_port to be consistent with the name of that parameter throughout the entire module.
    • Renamed v4_remote_port to stunnel_nfsd_port for clarity and to be consistent with the name of that parameter throughout the entire module.
    • Exposed client stunnel configuration that was scattered throughout the module to this API. User can now specify stunnel_socket_options and stunnel_verify for each mount. When unspecified, the defaults from the nfs class are used.
  • nfs::server class changes
    • Exposed server stunnel configuration that was scattered throughout the module to this API. User can now specify stunnel_accept_address, stunnel_nfsd_acccept_port, stunnel_socket_options, stunnel_verify, and stunnel_wantedby in this class. When unspecified, the defaults for all but stunnel_accept_address and stunnel_wantedby are pulled from the nfs class.
    • Added the following parameters: nfsd_vers4, nfsd_vers4_0, nfsd_vers4_1, nfsd_vers4_2, and custom_rpcrquotad_opts.
    • Renamed nfsv3 to nfsd_vers3 to reflect its use in /etc/nfs.conf.
    • Moved nfs::rpcquotad_port to this class and renamed rpcrquotadopts to custom_rpcrquotad_opts for clarity.
    • Moved nfs::mountd_port to this class and removed rpcmountdopts. Custom configuration for that daemon should now be made via nfs::custom_nfs_conf_opts or nfs::custom_daemon_args as appropriate.
    • Removed the obsolete nfsd_module parameter.
  • nfs::server::export define changes
    • Added replicas, pnfs, and security_label parameters to support additional export configuration parameters.
  • nfs::idmapd class changes
    • Refactored into 3 classes to support distinct NFS server and client configuration
    • Added no_strip and reformat_group to nfs::idmapd::config to support additional /etc/idmapd.conf configuration parameters. pupmod-simp-oath

  • Allow oath::config::user to be any string.
  • Disabled show_diff option in concat for /etc/liboath/users.oath to prevent that information from being exposed in logs. pupmod-simp-pam

  • Ensured that ‘pam_tty_audit’ is optional if auditing is not enabled on the
  • Added the ability to specify pam::limits::rules via Hiera.
  • Ignore authconfig disable on EL8. Authconfig was replaced with authselect and authselect does not overwrite settings unless you select the --force option.
  • Remove installation of pam_pkcs11 and fprintd-pam by default, since they aren’t actually required for basic functionality. pupmod-simp-polkit

  • Added the following classes:
    • polkit::install
    • polkit::service
    • polkit::use
  • Ensured that the polkit user is managed by default and placed into the supplementary group bound to the ‘gid’ option on /proc, if one is set. This is necessary to work around issues with ‘hidepid’ > 0.
  • Made the entire main class inert on unsupported OSs; logs a warning on the server that can be disabled. pupmod-simp-pupmod

  • Default pupmod::master::ssl_protocols to TLSv1.2 only.
  • Use $facts['certname'], when available, in the parameters below, because $facts['fqdn may not be appropriate when the system does not use its primary NIC/FQDN for its Puppet certificate.
    • pupmod::certname
    • pupmod::master::ca_status_whitelist
    • pupmod::master::admin_api_whitelist
  • Set the default puppetserver ciphers to a safe set.
  • Added better auto-tuning support for puppetserver, based on best practices.
  • Added ‘ReservedCodeCache’ puppetserver support.
  • Removed incron support in favor of using systemd path units to run simp_generate_types.
    • Attempts to activate the incron code will result in a warning message.
  • Added mitigation for CVE-2020-7942
  • Added optional management of the Facter configuration file.
  • Removed the deprecated CA CRL pull cron job and the corresponding pupmod::ca_crl_pull_interval parameter.
  • Removed deprecated auth.conf support for the legacy pki module and the corresponding parameters:
    • pupmod::master::simp_auth::legacy_cacerts_all
    • pupmod::master::simp_auth::legacy_mcollective_all
    • pupmod::master::simp_auth::legacy_pki_keytabs_from_host
  • Removed the deprecated pupmod::master::simp_auth::server_distribution parameter. pupmod-simp-resolv

  • Added optional management of DNS servers via nmcli. pupmod-simp-rsyslog

  • Added support for ‘KeepAlive’ variables for ‘imtcp’ and ‘omfwd’ actions.
  • Changed local rule defined type to use the same package defaults for action queues that are in the remote rule defined type.
  • Changed remote rule defined type to use package defaults for action queues.
  • Added a default rule to log packets dropped by firewalld to /var/log/firewall.log.
  • Added /var/log/firewall.log to SIMP’s ‘syslog’ logrotate rule.
  • Added logrotate::rule options to rsyslog::conf::logrotate class.
  • Removed the filter_ rules that were present for an old (and broken) version of the simp/simp_firewalld module.
  • Removed params pattern and migrated to data in modules. pupmod-simp-selinux

  • Allow users to include selinux::install without needing full SELinux system management. This is particularly important when the native types are to be used in different modules but you don’t want to include full management just to get the required packages
  • No longer enable or install mcstransd by default. It is a user convenience feature and not required for core functionality.
  • Ensured that mcstransd is added to the GID assigned to /proc if one is assigned on the system. pupmod-simp-simp

  • sssd configuration updates
    • Configure the ‘files’ provider in lieu of the ‘local’ provider for EL7 and later.
    • Deprecated the following parameters in simp::sssd::client: autofs, ssh and sudo. The simp/sssd module configures services in sssd::services. Use that parameter to configure those entries.
    • Configure sssd for EL8, even if the ldap_domain and local_domain parameters of simp::sssd::client are set to false.
  • Updated simp::mountpoints::proc to ensure polkitd can be configured to have access to /proc:
    • Assign a group and gid by default.
    • Create a group by default.
    • Discover these values from the system if possible.
  • Removed the following applications from the list of base OS applications installed automatically by simp/simp:
    • man
    • man-pages
    • vim-enhanced
    • dos2unix
    • elinks
    • hunspell
    • lsof
    • mlocate
    • pax
    • pinfo
    • sos
    • star
    • symlinks
    • words
    • x86info
  • Deprecated the simp::base_apps::manage_elinks_config parameter.
    • It no longer has any effect.
  • simp::nsswitch updates
    • Updated the simp::nsswitch class to have sane defaults.
      • Added support for ‘mymachines’ and ‘myhostname’ by default.
      • Removed all NIS references since NIS should not be in general usage any longer and was never natively supported by SIMP.
      • Configuration files are now common across all supported OSs since nsswitch “does the right thing” when it hits a module that it does not recognize.
    • Allow nsswitch overrides.
  • Added chronyd support for EL8
    • Moved ntp to list of OS relevant applications for EL6 and EL7.
    • Added chrony for EL8.
  • Updated the client kickstart scripts/configuration
    • Updated the bootstrap_simp_client script to use chronyd if the kernel version is 4 or later.
    • Deprecated the simp::server::kickstart::runpuppet parameter and removed the old, corresponding runpuppet kickstart scripts. The simp_bootstrap_client scripts should be used instead.
  • ClamAV updates:
    • Removed clamav from the list of classes included by default in the SIMP scenarios.
      • This will not remove ClamAV from systems where it is installed; Puppet will simply stop managing it.
      • To continue managing ClamAV with Puppet, add clamav to simp::classes in the appropriate Hiera file for that SIMP client.
      • See the simp/clamav module for information on configuring or removing ClamAV on a system.
    • Deprecated simp::server::clamav.
      • This parameter will be removed in a future SIMP release.
      • To manage ClamAV on the SIMP server after the parameter is removed, manually add the clamav class to the simp::classes array in the SIMP server’s Hiera file.
  • simp::yum::repo* updates:
    • Added:
      • simp::yum::repo::internet_simp class:
        • Uses the SIMP yum repository package (simp-community-release) to configure yum for SIMP’s internet public repositories at simp-project.com.
        • simp-project.com is the new host for SIMP’s yum repositories.
        • packagecloud is no longer being updated.
      • simp::yum::repo::simp_release_version function: Returns the SIMP release version for use in the SIMP internet yum repositories.
      • Simp::Version data type alias for valid version strings for use in the SIMP internet repositories.
      • New parameters to simp::yum::repo::local_simp and simp::yum::repo::local_os_updates:
        • relative_repo_path, baseurl, and gpgkey.
        • baseurl and gpgkey allow complete yumrepo resource overrides.
    • Deprecated:
      • simp::yum::repo::internet_simp_server and simp::yum::repo::internet_simp_dependencies classes:
        • These resources are no longer useful because their API matches the OBE packagecloud SIMP repositories.
        • As a workaround, the classes have been modified to use simp::yum::repo::internet_simp to configure the correct repositories at simp-project.com.
        • You should switch to using simp::yum::repo::internet_simp, directly, as these classes will be removed in a future release.
      • simp::yum::repo::sanitize_simp_release_slug function: a function only useful to the deprecated classes.
  • Added simp::puppetdb::cipher_suites parameter to manage the cipher suites supported by PuppetDB’s HTTP interface (Jetty).
    • Used to set puppetdb::cipher_suites.
    • Value set to a safe set.
  • Call selinux::install prior to using native types that require the packages to be installed. pupmod-simp-simp_apache

  • Default to only TLS1.2. pupmod-simp-simp_banners

  • Removed all OS support statements from metadata.json, since this is simply a data-only module. pupmod-simp-simp_bolt

  • Added plan to install puppet-agent on target nodes.
  • Configured Bolt to request a pseudo TTY for SSH sessions if specified.
  • Configured new logs to be appended to the log file instead of overwriting. pupmod-simp-simp_firewalld

This is a new SIMP module that provides a profile class and defined type to manage the system’s firewalld with “safe” defaults and safety checks for firewalld rules. It uses the puppet/firewalld module to update the system’s firewalld configuration. pupmod-simp-simp_gitlab

Updated for the latest GitLab application (13.5.x) and puppet/gitlab (6.0.1).

  • Removed:

    • Support for GitLab < 12.3.0.
    • TLSv1.1 from the default for simp_gitlab::ssl_protocols.
  • Changed:

    • Set the GitLab root password in a fashion that minimizes coupling of simp/simp_gitlab with the internals of puppet/gitlab.
      • Set a throw-away password during initial GitLab package installation using GitLab configuration in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb. Setting the password during initial install is the only way to ensure the password is not set by an external user. Otherwise, the first GitLab page that comes up is the page to reset the root password.
      • After GitLab initial configuration, set the real root password using a script that implements Gitlab-provided procedures for resetting the password.
    • Use chronyd instead of ntpd, as GitLab itself uses chronyd and chronyd is required for EL8.
    • Use puppet/gitlab for managing packages again.
    • Renamed the ‘gitlab_monitor’ key to ‘gitlab_exporter’ in the configuration hash.
      • The name change is required for GitLab >= 12.3.0.
    • No longer set gitlab::external_port
      • The custom port is already appropriately configured via the gitlab::external_url.
      • ‘external_port’ is no longer a supported GitLab configuration key and causes gitlab-ctl reconfigure to fail.
    • simp/simp_gitlab now fails to compile when the node is in FIPS mode, unless simp_gitlab::allow_fips (a new parameter) is set to true.
  • Added:

    • Parameters to enable setting the GitLab root password
      • simp_gitlab::set_gitlab_root_password
      • simp_gitlab::gitlab_root_password
      • simp_gitlab::rails_console_load_timeout
    • A script to change the GitLab root password, /usr/local/sbin/change_gitlab_root_password.
    • Disabling of Let’s Encrypt usage in GitLab, by default.
      • The integration of SIMP PKI management with with Let’s Encrypt has not yet been done.
      • To use Let’s Encrypt, disable SIMP management of PKI by setting simp_gitlab::pki to false and then manage the certificates manually.
    • svckill::ignore rule for the GitLab service. Since the service is no longer managed by default by gitlab::service, this prevents the service from being inadvertently killed when it is unmanaged.


As a side effect of the changes related to setting the GitLab root password, upon module upgrade, the GitLab root password will be automatically set to the value of simp_gitlab::gitlab_root_password, unless the (empty) marker file /etc/gitlab/.root_password_set exists or the parameter simp_gitlab::set_gitlab_root_password is set to false. If you forget to disable this automation or just want to reset the GitLab root password, simply run

/usr/local/sbin/change_gitlab_root_password <new_password>

You do not need to know the previous password to set the new password. pupmod-simp-simp_ipa

  • Make the IPA server optional in the join task. It is perfectly valid to not specify a server when doing an IPA client install and instead rely on DNS auto discovery. pupmod-simp-simp_nfs

  • The following parameters had to be changed from hostnames or IP addresses to only IP addresses due to use of firewalld on EL8:
    • simp_nfs::home_dir_server
    • simp_nfs::mount::home::nfs_server pupmod-simp-simp_options

  • The simp_options::clamav catalyst has been deprecated.
    • As of SIMP 6.5, SIMP’s clamav class is no longer included in the class list of the SIMP scenarios. So, this catalyst is not needed to disable it.
    • To have SIMP manage ClamAV on your system, add the clamav class to your system’s class list.
    • See the simp/clamav module README.md for information on managing ClamAV.
  • simp_options::puppet::server and simp_options::puppet::ca are now optional.
    • These are no longer required at all times due to support for Bolt. Code that used these parameters will correctly fail and require users to add them to their configuration.
  • Updated simp_options::ldap to require the master and uri parameters if simp_options::puppet::server is not defined. pupmod-simp-simp_rsyslog

  • Added support for firewalld log message collection.
  • Deep merge simp_rsyslog::log_collection.
  • Removed the filter_IN_99_simp_DROP rules that were present for an old (and broken) version of the simp/simp_firewalld module. pupmod-simp-simp_snmpd

  • Changes:
    • Updated to use puppet/snmp version 5.1.2.
    • The default configuration for this module has not changed but some settings are now placed in the snmpd.conf file instead of in a subdirectory.
    • In the previous version the user directory was automatically included. Now the user must set simp_snmpd::include_userdir to true for files in the user directory to be included. The relevant parameters are as follows:
      • simp_snmpd::include_userdir
      • simp_snmpd::user_snmpd_dir
    • The configuration parameter simp_snmpd::snmpd_conf_file has been renamed to simp_snmpd::service_config. This is the location of the the snmpd.conf file.
    • The type of the simp_snmpd::services parameter has been changed from a String to an Integer.
    • The simp_snmpd::system_info parameter has been deprecated. puppet/snmp now includes these settings by default and they can’t be removed. This means that net-snmp will set them as not writable and they can not be changed by a set call from an snmpd manager or client.
  • New features:
    • Added settings to allow users to change owner/group and permissions on configuration files:
      • simp_snmpd::service_config_dir_owner
      • simp_snmpd::service_config_dir_group
      • simp_snmpd::service_config_dir_perms
      • simp_snmpd::service_config_perms
    • Added configuration of snmpd user and group IDs, as well as optional managment of the user and group:
      • simp_snmpd::snmpd_uid
      • simp_snmpd::snmpd_gid
      • simp_snmpd::manage_snmpd_user
      • simp_snmpd::manage_snmpd_group
    • The SNMP trap daemon is still stopped by default. New parameters can be used to enable the daemon, set the command line options on the daemon and start it at boot. The default settings in puppet/snmp are used. Configuration files placed in a user directory can created by the user for any additional configuration. The following settings have been added to create this behavior:
      • simp_snmpd::trap_service_ensure
      • simp_snmpd::trap_service_startatboot
      • simp_snmpd::trap_service_config
      • simp_snmpd::snmpdtrapd_options
      • simp_snmpd::user_trapd_dir pupmod-simp-simpkv

This is a new SIMP module that provides an abstract library that allows Puppet to access one or more key/value stores.

This module provides

  • a standard Puppet language API (functions) for using key/value stores
  • a configuration scheme that allows users to specify per-application use of different key/value store instances
  • adapter software that loads and uses store-specific interface software provided by the simp/simpkv module itself and other modules
  • a Ruby API for the store interface software that developers can implement to provide their own store interface
  • a file-based store on the local filesystem and its interface software.
    • Future versions of this module will provide a distributed key/value store. pupmod-simp-simplib Facts Changes

Added the following facts:

Fact Description
simplib__auditd Returns a hash of auditd status.
simplib__firewalls Return an array of known firewall commands that are present on the system.
simplib__mountpoints Returns a hash of mountpoints of particular interest to SIMP modules.
simplib__numa Returns a hash of NUMA values.
simplib__efi_enabled Returns true if the host is using EFI.
simplib__secure_boot_enabled Returns true if the host is using UEFI Secure Boot.

Deprecated the following facts:

  • tmp_mounts fact. Use simplib__mountpoints, instead. Function Changes

Added the following functions:

Function Description
simplib::debug::inspect Enhanced version of simplib::inspect.
simplib::debug::classtrace Prints a trace of all catalog resources traversed to get to the current point.
simplib::debug::stacktrace Prints a trace of all files traversed to get to the current point.
simplib::ip::family_hash Takes an IP address or array of IP addresses and returns a hash with the addresses broken down by family. The returned hash also contains additional helpful metadata.
simplib::module_metadata::os_blacklisted Determine if the passed metadata indicates that the current OS has been blacklisted.
simplib::module_metadata::os_supported Determine if the passed module metadata indicates that the current OS is supported.
simplib::module_metadata::assert Adds an assertion based on whether the OS is supported or blacklisted.
simplib::caller Determines what called a function.
simplib::passgen::gen_password_and_salt Generates a password and salt.
simplib::passgen::gen_salt Generates a salt.
simplib::passgen::get Retrieves a generated password and any stored attributes.
simplib::passgen::list Retrieves the list of generated passwords with attributes and the list of sub-folders stored at a simplib::passgen folder.
simplib::passgen::remove Removes a generated password, history and stored attributes.
simplib::passgen::set Sets a generated password with attributes.
simplib::safe_filename Convert a string into a is filename that ‘path safe’.

Updated the following functions:

  • simplib::passgen
    • Added ‘simpkv’ mode.
      • Runs in ‘legacy’ mode (default) or in a ‘simpkv’ mode.
      • ‘simpkv’ mode is EXPERIMENTAL.
      • When in ‘simpkv’ mode, simplib:passgen uses simp/simpkv for password persistence.
      • ‘simpkv’ mode is enabled by setting simplib::passgen::simpkv to true in Hiera.
      • If you enable ‘simpkv’ mode in a system that already has passwords generated via the legacy code, currently, all passwords will be regenerated.
      • Added simpkv_options parameter to simplib::passgen for use in ‘simpkv’ mode.
    • Enhanced simplib::passgen operation when in ‘simpkv’ mode
      • Stores complexity and complex_only setting in the password’s simpkv metadata, so that the password can be regenerated with the same characteristics.
      • Regenerates the password if the requested ‘complexity’ or ‘complex_only’ setting differs from the setting used for the latest persisted password.
      • Stores up to the lastest 10 <password,salt> pairs in the password’s simpkv metadata.
    • Added a gen_timeout_seconds password option. Previously this was hardcoded to 30 seconds.
    • Added ability to set the user and group for legacy simplib::passgen files.
    • Changed the default permissions on legacy simplib::passgen files to the user running the catalog compile. This will allow bolt to set permissions correctly.
  • simplib::gen_random_password:
    • Intersperse special characters among the alpha-numeric characters, when complexity is 1 or 2 and complex_only is false. Previously, this function grouped the all alpha-numeric characters together and grouped all special characters together. This generated passwords that were not suitable for user passwords, as they would fail the cracklib/libpwquality complexity checks.
  • simplib::assert_metadata:
    • Added blacklist option. This allows functionality to deliberately fail on an OS that is listed in the module’s metadata.json, but is not necessarily supported by all parts of the given module. New data type aliases

Added Simplib::Systemd::ServiceName for valid systemd service names. pupmod-simp-ssh

  • Migrated to the updated version of simp/selinux that allows for isolated package installation in support of the SELinux native types.
  • Allow users to use the puppet/selinux module instead of SIMP components. pupmod-simp-stunnel

  • Set default for stunnel::connection::ssl_version to TLSv1.2 for EL8 compatibility.
  • Set default for stunnel::instance::ssl_version to TLSv1.2 for EL8 compatibility.
  • Set the stunnel::connection::app_pki_crl parameter to undef by default due to issues with pointing the setting to an absent directory in EL8.
  • Set the stunnel::instance::app_pki_crl parameter to undef by default due to issues with pointing the setting to an absent directory in EL8.
  • Updated valid ssl_version entries. pupmod-simp-sudo

  • Added parameters for sudo::default_entry and sudo::alias defined types.
  • CVE-2019-14287 mitigation.
    • Do not allow the use of user id or group id of ‘-1’ when ‘ALL’ or ‘%ALL’ are used in the runas section of a sudo user specification and the version of sudo is earlier than 1.8.28.
  • Deep merge user_specifications by default. pupmod-simp-svckill

  • Updated the svckill provider to work with different Puppet service provider implementations.
    • If after a Puppet upgrade you find that svckill is trying to kill system services that it previously ignored, you need simp/svckill version 3.6.1 or later to fix the problem.
  • Updated service lists. pupmod-simp-swap

  • Disable dynamic_swappiness by default.
  • Set the static system swappiness to 60 by default. pupmod-simp-tcpwrappers

  • Enhanced behavior to do nothing when TCP Wrappers is not supported by the OS. pupmod-simp-tpm2

  • Removed the option for managing tools, tpm2::manage_tpm2_tools. Tools can be managed or not by removing them from the package list. Note that the tools package is needed to determine the status of the TPM.
  • Added support for setting tabrm_options for connecting to the simulator. pupmod-simp-useradd

  • Added explicit support for setting the rescue/emergency shell on systemd systems. rubygem-simp-cli

  • Updated the instructions provided in the local user lockout warning message in the bootstrap lock file.
    • Simplified instructions to create resources via Hiera.
    • Tell the user to check that they can ssh into the server with the new user after bootstrap but before rebooting. This step is imperative to ensure that the user can also get through Puppet-managed authentication!
  • Updated SIMP internet repositories configured by simp config.
    • Now uses simp-project.com repositories via the new simp::yum::repo::internet_simp class.
    • The packagecloud repositories are no longer being updated.
  • Allow users to set the ‘SIMP_ENVIRONMENT’ environment variable to change the initial environment from ‘production’ to a custom value, when running simp config or simp bootstrap.
  • simp config changes
    • Ensured that simp config uses the simp::classes parameter instead of classes by default, but accept both simp::classes and classes as valid existing configurations.
    • Removed deprecated --non-interactive option. Use --force-defaults instead.
  • Added simp kv command family to allow users to manage and inspect entries in a simpkv key/value store
  • simp passgen changes
    • Split into sub-commands for ease of use:
      • simp passgen envs: List environments that may have simplib::passgen passwords.
      • simp passgen list: List names of simplib::passgen passwords.
      • simp passgen remove: Remove simplib::passgen passwords.
      • simp passgen set: Set simplib::passgen passwords.
      • simp passgen show: Show simplib::passgen passwords and other stored attributes.
    • Updated to work with simpkv-enabled simplib::passgen. Automatically detects whether simplib::passgen is operating in ‘legacy’ mode or ‘simpkv’ mode in the specified environment, and then executes password operations using the appropriate mechanism for that mode.
    • When setting passwords, disabled libpwquality/cracklib validation of user-entered passwords, by default, because not all passwords managed by simplib::passgen are user passwords. This validation can be re-enabled with the --validate option of simp passgen set.
    • Added the following command line options when creating passwords
      • --[no-]auto-gen: Whether to auto-generate new passwords.
      • --complexity: Password complexity to use when a password is auto-generated. Corresponds to the complexity option of simplib::passgen.
      • --[no-]complex-only: Whether to only use only complex characters when a password is auto-generated. Corresponds to the complex_only option of simplib::passgen.
      • --[no-]validate: Enables validation of new passwords with libpwquality/cracklib.
      • --length: Password length to use when a password is auto-generated.
    • Added --[no-]details option when showing password information. When enabled, all available password information is displayed, not just the current and previous password values.
  • Updated HighLine from version 1.7.8 to 2.0.3. simp-adapter

  • Removed logic to ensure any existing, global hiera.yaml.simp file is not removed on upgrade from simp-adapter <= 0.0.6.
    • This is not an issue when upgrading from SIMP 6.4.0 to SIMP 6.5.0 (i.e., simp-adapter version 1.0.1 to version 2.0.0).
    • If for some reason you are upgrading from simp-adapter version <= 0.0.6, manually save off /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml.simp prior to the upgrade, and then restore that file after the upgrade is complete. simp-environment-skeleton

  • Ensure that firewalld is used by default in the applicable SIMP scenarios.
  • Ensured that the server Hiera defaults have simp::server in the simp::classes array. Otherwise, it will never get picked up.
  • Replace classes with simp::classes and simp::server::classes as appropriate in example Hiera YAML files.
  • FakeCA updates
    • Added the CA code directly into the project to allow the code to work on newer OS versions
    • Allow users to specify an alternate output directory via a ‘KEYDIST’ environment variable.
    • Consolidate the certificate request and revocation code.
    • Certificate revocation now runs in linear time.
  • Changed permissions for files and directories to be world readable.
  • Add a PE-suitable Puppet server YAML data template. simp-gpgkeys

  • Added the CentOS 8 and EPEL 8 GPG keys.
  • Removed Fedora 25 and 26 GPG keys.
  • Updated puppetlabs GPG key. simp-rsync-skeleton

  • Added mitigation for CVE-2019-6477 to the sample, RedHat 7 named.conf.
  • Removed rndc.key files from sample named configuration to prevent users from accidentally using a published, sample secret key.
    • The named service will create a key if one does not exist using the correct defaults for the system.
  • Updated the README in rsync/RedHat/Global/tftpboot/linux-install.
    • It now explains which boot files for the TFTP boot server are required when tftpboot::use_os_files is set to false. simp-utils

  • Added sample kickstart files to /usr/share/simp/ to allow users to have access to all OS-specific versions of the kickstart files.
  • Added a check to the unpack_dvd script for dangerously unspecific OS versions (e.g., ‘7’ instead of ‘7.0.2003’).
    • This is common when unpack_dvd autodetects the OS version from the ISO’s .treeinfo on some OSes (particularly CentOS).
    • It can result in clobbering of existing OS files, when the script unpacks files into a directory names for the major OS version.
    • The script will exit with an informative message and instructions for how the user can address the issue with the -v option.
  • Added (optional) --unpack-pxe [DIR] option to the unpack_dvd script.
    • Added (optional) --environment ENV to set the PXE rsync environment.
    • Added a new --[no-]unpack-yum (enabled by default), to permit users to disable the RPM unpack.
    • To enable unpacking PXE tftpboot files, run with --unpack-pxe.
    • To disable unpacking RPMs/yum repos, run with --no-unpack-yum.
    • See unpack_dvd --help for details.
  • Overhauled unpack_dvd --help; output now fits on 80-character PTY consoles. SIMP ISO

  • Fixed a bug in the instructions about enabling encryption in non-FIPS mode in the sample client kickstart files.
    • Following the erronous instructions prevented automatic decryption from happening at client boot, because the encrypted disk credentials were not added to the dracut configuration.

2.1.9. Known Bugs and Limitations

Below are bugs and limitations known to affect this release. If you discover additional problems, please submit an issue to let use know. Special considerations with EL8 clients Network-isolated EL8 clients require EPEL8 and EL8 Base/Updates dnf mirrors

Because there is no SIMP 6.5 EL8 server release, there is no accompanying EL8 ISO or package tarball that can be used to create a self-hosted dnf repository for SIMP-specific EL8 packages.

In order to provide the necessary packages to EL8 agents on a network-isolated SIMP 6.5 infrastructure, admins must ensure that dnf repo mirrors are available for: unpack_dvd does not (re-)create modular repos for EL8 dnf repos (SIMP-8614)

EL8 introduces modular package repositories. When unpacking an EL8 ISO to populate a yum repository, SIMP 6.5.0’s unpack_dvd script does not recognize or correctly package repository modules. Consequently, EL8 Puppet agents applying catalogs that require modular EL8 packages may encounter errors like the following:

Error: /Stage[main]/Simp_apache::Install/Package[httpd]/ensure: change from 'purged' to 'latest' failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/dnf -d 0 -e 1 -y install httpd' returned 1: No available modular metadata for modular package 'httpd-2.4.37-21.module_el8.2.0+382+15b0afa8.x86_64', it cannot be installed on the system
Error: No available modular metadata for modular package