Build Signed simp-core RPM and Deploy to packagecloud


For simp-core, the pkg:single path will need to be used. Specifically, src/assets/simp Build Signed RPM and Deploy to packagecloud If a New RPM Needs to be Built

  1. Build the RPM for the component that you wish to publish
git clone simp-core
git checkout master # or an appropriate branch
bundle update
bundle exec rake pkg:single[MODULE_NAME or PATH]


If, for some reason, the above does not work, you can go into the target component and run rake pkg:rpm

The output will be in the dist directory of the targeted artifact

  1. Pass the RPM over to an authorized signing team member who will sign it using rpm --resign Publish to PackageCloud

  • package_cloud push simp-project/REPO_NAME/el/OS_MAJOR_VERSION /path/to/packages