Component Versioning Version Philosophy

SIMP follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 and has the following versioning structure: X.Y.Z, where

  • X indicates breaking changes
  • Y indicates new features
  • Z indicates bug fixes. When can a component be released?

A component can be released when

  • X, Y, or Z changes have been made.
  • All dependencies of the component has been released.
  • If a SIMP-owned component, all unit, acceptance, and integration tests pass.
  • If a SIMP-owned component, the version number has been appropriately bumped and the corresponding changelog has been updated.

The SIMP project version/changelog files are as follows:

Component Type Version Files Changelog Files
SIMP-owned Puppet module metadata.json and CHANGELOG CHANGELOG
Ruby gem lib/simp/\*\*/version.rb and either build/<name>.spec or CHANGELOG.md build/<name>.spec or CHANGELOG.md
Other ISO-related project build/<name>.spec build/<name>.spec
simp-doc auto-generated CHANGELOG
SIMP ISO (simp-core) Changelog.rst and src/assets/simp/build/simp.spec Changelog.rst and src/assets/simp/build/simp.spec What file changes require a version change?

Any changes to mission impacting (significant) files require a new release. In general, this includes the metadata.json, CHANGELOG and hiera.yaml files for Puppet modules, as well as files in the following directories:

  • build/
  • data/
  • files/
  • functions/
  • lib/
  • manifests/
  • scripts/
  • share/
  • src/
  • templates/
  • types/

Changes to the following do not typically warrant a new release of a component:

  • Any hidden file/directory (entry that begins with a . such as .rspec, .gitignore, .gitlab-ci.yml)
  • Gemfile
  • Gemfile.lock
  • Rakefile
  • spec/
  • doc/ What version/changelog linters are available?

In the simp-rake-helpers Ruby gem, we have the following version/changelog-related linters for SIMP Puppet modules:

  • changelog_annotation: Generates an appropriate annotated tag entry from a CHANGELOG. Errors are logged. The results must be carefully examined to ensure the output is correct, when errors are logged.
  • compare_latest_tag: Compares mission-impacting files with the latest tag and identifies the relevant files that have changed. When mission-impacting files have changed, fails if:
    1. Latest version cannot be extracted from the top-most CHANGELOG entry.
    2. The latest version in the CHANGELOG (minus the release qualifier) does not match the version in the metadata.json file.
    3. A version bump is required but not recorded in both the CHANGELOG and metadata.json files.
    4. The latest version is smaller than the latest tag (version regression).
  • pkg::check_version: Compares all files with the closest tag and logs an error if any files have changed, but the version has not been updated, or the versions in the metadata.json and CHANGELOG files do not match.


Moving forward, these linters will be enhanced to handle the version/changelog nuances of the other projects SIMP releases and will be included as tests in all TravisCI builds.