
This manual describes the security concepts of the SIMP system. The system was originally designed to meet a specific set of technical security controls using industry best practices and has been modified recently to meet as many of the security controls provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) special publication 800-53 as possible.

This manual outlines three categories of security:

  • Technical Architecture: discusses the technical approaches to securing the system
  • Operational Security: discusses the security of SIMP in an operational setting
  • Information System Management: discusses how SIMP helps achieve security in terms of system management

A brief discussion of how the SIMP system helps achieve categories of controls is provided; additional technical details regarding each control can be found in the SIMP Security Control Mapping.

When possible, the NIST security control identifier will be found at the end of a concept to provide the reader with a reference to the specific control that is being discussed. The identifier is written as [AB-X(Y)], where A is the control family, X is the control section, and Y is the control enhancement.


At present, this document will not be mapped to any additional standards since there are available mappings of the 800-53 to various other security frameworks.

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