How Can I Get Help?

Public Resources

Many resources are available for getting help with SIMP. For FOSS support, as the community can handle it, you can use one of the following resources.

Live Chat

  • SIMP Project HipChat
    • No account is required for this room. However, if you are going to participate regularly, please consider signing up for a HipChat account as it will allow you to receive offline messages.
    • If you choose to sign up, we recommend using a modifier to your email address such as since HipChat binds your account to the group that you join.

Mailing Lists

Bug Tracking

If you find a bug, we’d like to encourage you to file a bug in our JIRA Bug Tracking system. That ssaid, we’re happy to hear about issues in whatever manner is easiest for you.

Commercial Support

Should you need Enterprise-level support, commercial support is available. You can get more information on the SIMP Project Homepage.