3.4.3. Building SIMP From Source Getting Started

Please have your environment prepared as specified by Environment Preparation before continuing.

Download the CentOS/RedHat installation media: Generating The ISO!

Change into the simp-core directory.

$ cd simp-core

Check out your desired branch of SIMP:

  • To check out a stable SIMP release, check out a tag:
$ git checkout tags/5.2.0-0
  • To check out an unstable SIMP release, check out the latest 5.X or 4.X HEAD:
$ git checkout 5.1.X
$ git checkout 4.2.X


SIMP >= 5.2.X, >= 4.3.X are still developed on the 5.1.X and 4.2.X branches, respectively. We have not migrated our development to new branches.

Run bundle to make sure that all of the build tools and dependencies are installed and up to date:

$ bundle install

Make sure all of the source materials that were downloaded above are in your current working directory.

Run the build:auto rake task to create a bootable ISO using the following template:

$ bundle exec rake build:auto[<SIMP version>,<Directory containing install media>]

For example:

$ # for SIMP 5 and CentOS 7
$ bundle exec rake build:auto[5.1.X,.]

$ # for SIMP 4 and CentOS 6
$ bundle exec rake build:auto[4.2.X,.]

Once the process completes, you should have a bootable SIMP ISO ready for installation!