SIMP Administration

This chapter provides basic guidance on how to administer a SIMP environment.


While working with the system, keep in mind that Puppet does not work well with capital letters in host names. Therefore, they should not be used.

Nightly Updates

All SIMP systems are configured, by default, to do a YUM update of the entire system on a nightly basis.

The configuration pulls updates from all repositories that the system is aware of. To change this behavior, refer to the Excluding Repositories FAQ section. This configuration is also helpful because it is easier to manage symlinks in YUM repositories than it is to manage individual package minutia for every single package on every system.

The general technique is to put packages that all systems will receive into the Updates repository provided with SIMP. Any packages that will only go to specific system sets will then be placed into adjunct repositories under /var/www/yum and the user will point specific systems at those repositories using the yumrepo Puppet type. Any common packages can be symlinked or hard linked between repositories for maximum space utilization.


By default, a SIMP system uses Sudosh to enable logging of sudo sessions to Rsyslog. To open a sudo session as root (or any other user), type su - as simp, or sudo sudosh as anyone else, instead of sudo su.

The logs are stored in /var/log/sudosh.log. Sessions can be replayed by typing sudosh-syslog-replay.

User Accounts

By default, users can add local users to a system or use LDAP to administer users.

It is recommended that LDAP is used for adding all regular users so that there is no conflict with multiple system updates and synchronization. For more information on managing LDAP users, refer to the User Management chapter.

It is also possible that there will be users that are local to the system. To have these users follow the normal password expiration conventions set on the system, use the native Puppet user and group types.

To have a user that does not expire, look at the /etc/puppet/environments/simp/localusers file to enable these users across the systems. The comments in the file provide instructions on generating entries for the desired systems. It is hoped that future versions of Puppet will support the modification of password expiration values via the native types and that the localusers file will be retired.

Certificate Management

This section describes the two different types of certificates used in a SIMP system and how to manage them. For information on initial certificate setup, refer to the Apply Certificates section of the Client Management chapter.

Server Certificates

Server certificates are the standard PKI certificates assigned either by an official CA or generated using the FakeCA utility offered by SIMP. They can be found in the /etc/pki/ directory of both the client and server systems. These certificates are set to expire annually. To change this, edit the following files with the number of days for the desired lifespan of the certificates:


This assumes that the user has generated Certificates with the FakeCA provided by SIMP. If official certificates are being used, these settings must be changed within the official CA, not on the SIMP system.

  • /etc/puppet/environments/simp/Config/FakeCA/CA
  • /etc/puppet/environments/simp/Config/FakeCA/ca.cnf
  • /etc/puppet/environments/simp/Config/FakeCA/default\_altnames.cnf
  • /etc/puppet/environments/simp/Config/FakeCA/default.cnf
  • /etc/puppet/Config/FakeCA/user.cnf

In addition, any certificates that have already been created and signed will have a config file containing all of its details in /etc/puppet/environments/simp/Config/FakeCA/output/conf/.


Editing any entries in the above mentioned config files will not affect the existing certificates. To make changes to an existing certificate it must be re-created and signed.

Below is an example of how to change the expiration time from one year (the default) to five years for any newly created certificate.

for file in $(grep -rl 365 /etc/puppet/environments/simp/Config/FakeCA/)
  sed -i 's/365/1825/' $file

Puppet Certificates

Puppet certificates are issued and maintained strictly within Puppet. They are different from the server certificates and should be managed with the puppet cert tool. For the complete documentation on the puppet cert tool, visit the Puppet Labs cert manual detailing its capabilities. On a SIMP system, these certificates are located in the /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ directory and are set to expire every five years.


This section describes how to add services to the servers. To perform this action, it is important to understand how to use IPtables and what the svckill.rb script does on the system.


By default, the SIMP system locks down all incoming connections to the server save port 22. Port 22 is allowed from all external sources since it is expected that the user will want to be able to SSH into the systems from the outside at all times.

The default alteration for the IPtables start-up script is such that it will “fail safe”. This means that if the IPtables rules are incorrect, the system will not open up the IPtables rule set completely. Instead, the system will deny access to all ports except port 22 to allow for recovery via SSH.

There are many examples of how to use the IPtables module in the source code; the Apache module at /etc/puppet/environments/simp/modules/apache is a particularly good example. In addition, look at the definitions in the IPtables module to understand their purpose and choose the best option. Refer to the IPtables page of the Developers Guide for a good summary and example code (HTML version only).


To ensure that the system does not run more services than are required, the svckill.rb script has been implemented to stop any service that is not properly defined in the Puppet catalogue.

To prevent services from stopping, refer to the instructions in the My Services Are Dying! FAQ section.


SIMP was designed as a minimized system, but it is likely that the user will want to have a GUI on some of the systems. Refer to the Infrastructure Setup section for information on setting up GUIs for the systems.