2. SIMP 4.3.1

This release is known to work with:

  • RHEL 6.8 x86_64
  • CentOS 6.8 x86_64

This update is backwards-compatible for the SIMP 4.3 releases.

2.1. SIMP 6 is Coming

Due to Puppet 3.X going EOL in December of 2016, the SIMP stack will be releasing SIMP 6 as the next major release. Among major changes:

  • SIMP 6 will use Puppet 4, which is distributed as a single RPM by the Puppet all-in-one (AIO) installer.
  • Starting with 6.0.0, the SIMP numbering scheme will follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
  • 6.0.0 and will support all operating systems under that numbering scheme henceforth.

2.2. Manual Changes Required for Pre-4.2.1 Upgrades


This only affects you if you did not have a separate partition for /tmp!

  • There were issues in the secure_mountpoints class that caused /tmp and /var/tmp to be mounted against the root filesystem. While the new code addresses this, it cannot determine if your system has been modified incorrectly in the past.
  • To fix the issue, you need to do the following:
    • Unmount /var/tmp (may take multiple unmounts)
    • Unmount /tmp (may take multiple unmounts)
    • Remove the 'bind' entries for /tmp and /var/tmp from /etc/fstab
    • Run puppet with the new code in place

2.2.1. SSSD


SSSD enforces password strength at login time! This means that, should you have old passwords that do not meet the present password policy on the host, you will not be able to authenticate with your old password!

2.3. Deprecations

  • The simp-sysctl module will be deprecated in the 6.0.0 release of SIMP. Current users should migrate to using the augeasproviders_sysctl module provided with SIMP going forward.

2.4. Breaking Changes

  • There were no breaking changes in this release.

2.6. Upgrade Guidance

Detailed upgrade guidance can be found in the HOWTO Upgrade SIMP portion of the SIMP User Guide.


You must have at least 2.2GB of free RAM on your system to upgrade to this release.


Upgrading from releases older than 4.0 is not supported.

2.7. Security Announcements

2.7.1. CVEs Addressed

  • CVE-2016-5195
    • Dirty COW - A privilege escalation vulnerability in the Linux Kernel

2.8. RPM Updates

Package Old Version New Version
pupmod-elasticsearch-logstash 0.6.4-2016 0.6.5-2016
pupmod-simp-acpid 0.0.2-2016 0.0.3-2016
pupmod-simp-activemq 3.0.0-2016 3.0.1-2016
pupmod-simp-aide 4.1.1-2016 4.1.2-2016
pupmod-simp-apache 4.1.5-2016 4.1.7-2016
pupmod-simp-auditd 5.0.4-2016 5.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-autofs 4.1.2-2016 4.1.4-2016
pupmod-simp-clamav 4.1.1-2016 4.1.2-2016
pupmod-simp-compliance_markup 1.0.0-0 1.0.2-2016
pupmod-simp-dhcp 4.1.1-2016 4.1.2-2016
pupmod-simp-dirtycow N/A 1.0.1-2016
pupmod-simp-foreman 0.2.0-2016 0.2.2-2016
pupmod-simp-freeradius 5.0.2-2016 5.0.3-2016
pupmod-simp-ganglia 5.0.0-2016 5.0.1-2016
pupmod-simp-haveged 0.3.1-2016 0.3.2-2016
pupmod-simp-iptables 4.1.4-2016 4.1.5-2016
pupmod-simp-jenkins 4.1.0-2016 4.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-krb5 5.0.6-2016 5.0.8-2016
pupmod-simp-libvirt 4.1.1-2016 4.1.2-2016
pupmod-simp-logrotate 4.1.0-2016 4.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-mcafee 4.1.1-2016 4.1.2-2016
pupmod-simp-mcollective 2.3.2-2016 2.4.0-2016
pupmod-simp-mozilla 4.1.1-2016 4.1.2-2016
pupmod-simp-named 4.3.1-2016 4.3.3-2016
pupmod-simp-network 4.1.1-2016 4.1.3-2016
pupmod-simp-nfs 4.5.2-2016 4.5.3-2016
pupmod-simp-nscd 5.0.1-2016 5.0.2-2016
pupmod-simp-ntpd 4.1.0-2016 4.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-oddjob 1.0.0-2016 1.0.1-2016
pupmod-simp-openldap 4.1.8-2016 4.1.9-2016
pupmod-simp-openscap 4.2.1-2016 4.2.2-2016
pupmod-simp-pam 4.2.5-2016 4.2.6-2016
pupmod-simp-pki 4.2.3-2016 4.2.5-2016
pupmod-simp-polkit 4.1.0-2016 4.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-postfix 4.1.3-2016 4.1.5-2016
pupmod-simp-postgresql 4.1.0-2016 4.1.2-2016
pupmod-simp-pupmod 6.0.5-2016 6.0.9-2016
pupmod-simp-rsync 4.2.2-2016 4.2.3-2016
pupmod-simp-rsyslog 5.1.0-2016 5.1.2-2016
pupmod-simp-selinux 1.0.3-2016 1.0.4-2016
pupmod-simp-simp 1.2.7-2016 1.2.10-2016
pupmod-simp-simp_elasticsearch 3.0.1-2016 3.0.3-2016
pupmod-simp-simp_grafana 0.1.0-2016 0.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-simpcat 5.0.1-2016 5.0.2-2016
pupmod-simp-simplib 1.3.1-2016 1.3.4-2016
pupmod-simp-site 2.0.1-2016 2.0.2-2016
pupmod-simp-snmpd 4.1.0-2016 4.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-ssh 4.1.10-2016 4.1.13-2016
pupmod-simp-sssd 4.1.3-2016 4.1.4-2016
pupmod-simp-stunnel 4.2.7-2016 4.2.9-2016
pupmod-simp-sudo 4.1.2-2016 4.1.3-2016
pupmod-simp-sudosh 4.1.1-2016 4.1.2-2016
pupmod-simp-svckill 1.1.3-2016 1.1.4-2016
pupmod-simp-sysctl 4.2.0-2016 4.2.1-2016
pupmod-simp-tcpwrappers 4.1.0-2016 4.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-tftpboot 4.1.2-2016 4.1.3-2016
pupmod-simp-tpm 0.1.0-2016 0.2.0-2016
pupmod-simp-upstart 4.1.2-2016 4.1.3-2016
pupmod-simp-vnc 4.1.0-2016 4.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-vsftpd 5.0.4-2016 5.0.7-2016
pupmod-simp-windowmanager 4.1.2-2016 4.1.3-2016
pupmod-simp-xinetd 2.1.0-2016 2.1.1-2016
pupmod-simp-xwindows 4.1.1-2016 4.1.2-2016
scap-security-guide 0.1.21-3 0.1.28-2
simp 4.3.0-0 4.3.1-0
simp-bootstrap 4.3.2-0 4.3.4-0
simp-doc 4.3.0-0 N/A
simp-utils 4.1.1-1 4.1.1-2

2.10. Fixed Bugs

2.10.1. pupmod-simp-auditd

  • Updated to use a specific configuration parameter instead of the presence of configured syslog servers to determine whether or not to enable log forwarding

2.10.2. pupmod-simp-autofs

  • Updated the ::autofs::map::entry and ::autofs::map::master code to work safely with the simpcat module as well as properly ensuring that the autofs service is restarted when the content of one of the map files is changed.

2.10.3. pupmod-simp-ganglia

  • Fixed an invalid concat dependency for the $auth_user_file

2.10.4. pupmod-simp-named

  • Fixed chroot compatibility with EL 7

2.10.5. pupmod-simp-network

  • Updated to fix issues with Puppet 4

2.10.6. pupmod-simp-nfs

  • Changed the permissions on /etc/exports to 644 which was validated to meet existing security requirements
    • Vagrant was dying if it could not read this file as a regular user

2.10.7. pupmod-simp-openldap

  • Multiple URIs in Hiera entries were not written into ldap.conf
  • The DEREF configuration value in ldap.conf was not populated correctly

2.10.8. pupmod-simp-pupmod

  • Properly redirect STDERR in puppetagent_cron.erb
  • Fully expanded the pupmod::ssldir parameter so that $vardir no longer causes issues when showing up in an auditd configuration file
  • Corrected an issue where the gem-home parameter in puppetserver.conf was malformed

2.10.9. pupmod-simp-rsyslog

  • Enabled forwarding of journald messages to syslog since EL 7.2 disabled this by default
  • Fixed an issue where rules that were no longer managed by the module were not correctly purged

2.10.10. pupmod-simp-simp

  • Ensure that the netlabel_tools package is installed for the netlabel service
  • Added the Elasticsearch and Grafana GPG keys to the YUM configuration

2.10.11. pupmod-simp-simplib

  • Fixed the validate_net_list() function when using regex strings against IPv6 addresses
  • Added support for nss-myhostname which fixes issues with hostname lookups on EL 7+ systems
  • Fix issues with calls to the Service['named'] resource

2.10.12. simp-bootstrap

  • Changed an incorrect entry in our hiera.yaml file from trusted['clientcert'] to trusted['certname']

2.10.13. simp-cli

  • Ensure that STDERR is properly discarded during shell redirects

2.10.14. simp-core

  • Ensured that unpack_dvd and migrate_to_environments properly squashed STDERR
  • Corrected the pupmod-simp-mcollective version that was being built

2.10.15. simp-utils

  • Removed the dependency on pssh

2.10.16. DVD

  • Removed the first call to fips=1 from the kickstart file since it was causing issues with some systems

2.11. New Features

2.11.1. pupmod-simp-auditd

  • Added the syslog priority and facility options to auditd::config::audisp::syslog

2.11.2. pupmod-simp-dirtycow

  • Adds a notification message if your system is affected by the Dirty COW CVE
  • Will not attempt to automatically upgrade your kernel!

2.11.3. pupmod-simp-simplib

  • Added a puppet_settings Fact that returns a Hash of all settings on the Puppet client system

2.11.4. pupmod-simp-tpm

  • Changed the default Storage Root Key password default to null for PKCS#11 and Trusted Boot
  • Added a fact ima_log_size that returns the byte size of the IMA hash log in securityfs
  • Added the ability to edit the default IMA policy
    • Be very careful if using this in production

2.11.5. simp-bootstrap

2.11.6. simp-doc

  • Added TPM management documentation
  • Updated the ELG stack documentation
  • Another set of usability updates to the documentation, mostly around building the system from scratch

2.11.7. DVD

  • Added iversion to the default ISO mountpoints that make sense for IMA measurement

2.12. Known Bugs

  • If you are running libvirtd, when svckill runs it will always attempt to kill dnsmasq unless you are deliberately trying to run the dnsmasq service. This does not actually kill the service but is, instead, an error of the startup script and causes no damage to your system.