Installation Miscellany

Installation Variables

This section describes the list of variables that are configurable during the install. These variables are written to /etc/puppet/environments/simp/hieradata/simp_def.yaml by simp config and are derived from user input.

Description Variable Category
Enable FIPS-140-2 compliance; true or false use_fips FIPS
Network interface to use network::interface NETWORK
Whether to set up the network interface; true or false network::setup_nic NETWORK
Whether to use DHCP for the network; dhcp to enable DHCP, static otherwise dhcp NETWORK
FQDN of server hostname NETWORK
IP address of server ipaddress NETWORK
Netmask of the system netmask NETWORK
Default gateway gateway NETWORK
List of DNS servers for the managed hosts dns::servers DNS
Search domain for DNS dns::search DNS
Subnet used for clients managed by the puppet server client_nets PUPPET
NTP servers ntpd::servers NTP
IP address of primary log server log_servers RSYSLOG
IP address of failover log server failover_log_server RSYSLOG
Yum server for simp modules simp::yum::servers YUM
Whether to use the audit daemon; true or false use_auditd SYSTEM
Whether to use the iptables daemon; true or false use_iptables SYSTEM
Default system run level; 1-5 simplib::runlevel SYSTEM
SELINUX mode to use; enforcing, permissive, or disabled selinux::ensure SYSTEM
Whether to set a GRUB password on the server; true or false set_grub_password GRUB
GRUB password hash grub::password GRUB
Whether puppet server will be a yum server; true or false is_master_yum_server YUM
FQDN of the puppet server puppet::server PUPPET
Puppet servers IP address puppet::server::ip PUPPET
FQDN of Puppet Certificate Authority (CA) puppet::ca PUPPET
Port Puppet CA will listen on puppet::ca_port PUPPET
DNS name of puppet database server puppetdb::master::config::puppetdb_server PUPPET
Port used by the puppet database server puppetdb::master::config::puppetdb_port PUPPET
Whether to use LDAP; true or false use_ldap PUPPET
LDAP Server Base Distinguished Name ldap::base_dn LDAP
LDAP Bind Distinguished Name ldap::bind_dn LDAP
LDAP Bind password ldap::bind_pw LDAP
LDAP Bind password hash ldap::bind_hash LDAP
LDAP Sync Distinguished Name ldap::sync_dn LDAP
LDAP Sync password ldap::sync_pw LDAP
LDAP Sync password hash ldap::sync_hash LDAP
LDAP root Distinguished Name ldap::root_dn LDAP
LDAP root password hash ldap::root_hash LDAP
LDAP master URI ldap::master LDAP
List of OpenLDAP server URIs ldap::uri LDAP
List of SSSD domains ldap::master SYSTEM
Root location of files to be distributed via rsync rsync::base RSYNC
Rsync server; typically for rsync over stunnel, which is the default protocol stack for this capability rsync::server RSYNC
Maximum rsync timeout in seconds rsync::timeout RSYNC

simp config Actions

In addition to creating simp_defs.yaml, simp config also performs a limited set of actions in order to prepare the system for bootstrapping.

Category Actions Performed
FIPS When the user selects to enable FIPS, simp config will set the Puppet digest algorithm to sha256 to prevent any Puppet-related actions executed by simp config from using MD5 checksums. Note that this is not all that must be done to enable FIPS. The complete set of actions required to to enable FIPS is handled by simp bootstrap.
  • When the user selects to configure the network interface, simp config uses Puppet to set the network interface parameters in system networking files and to bring up the interface.
  • simp config sets the hostname.
GRUB When the user selects to set the GRUB password, simp config will set the password in /etc/grub2.cfg.
Certificates If no certificates for the host are found in /etc/puppet/environments/simp/keydist, simp config will use the FakeCA to generate certificates needed by SIMP for the host. These certificates are independent of the certificates managed by Puppet, itself.
System Hiera If a hosts yaml file in /etc/puppet/environments/simp/hieradata/hosts does not already exist, simp config will create one from a SIMP template.
YUM Update simp config updates the appropriate YUM Updates repository contained at /var/www/yum/OSTYPE/MAJORRELEASE/ARCH.
  • Updates /etc/puppet/autosign.conf.
  • Updates /etc/puppet/puppet.conf, after creating a backup of the existing file. This update will include FIPS-related settings, as appropriate.
  • Updates /etc/hosts to ensure puppet server entries exist.
LDAP simp config adds or removes the simp::ldap_server setting from the hosts YAML file in /etc/puppet/environments/simp/hieradata/hosts, based on whether the user opts to use or not use LDAP, respectively.